Alliance WebPOS Release Notes ============================= V8. 58.O07180 BUG FIX - StaLucia Textfile output issue. V8. 58.O07180 BUG FIX - Ayala Tenant Hourly CSV EPAY_SLS. V8. 58.O07160 BUG FIX - Ayala Tenant Hourly CSV bug fix PWD Discount (revert) BUG FIX - RLC Tenant File Auto Resending RLC pending files updated. V8. 58.O07140 BUG FIX - Ayala Tenant Hourly CSV bug fix in GROSS_SLS for returned transaction BUG FIX - AYALA Rawgross ftotal_discount duplicate calculation. BUG FIX - Item tax exclusive with PWD discount computes VAT amount. BUG FIX - RLC Tenant File Auto Resending RLC pending files. V8. 58.O07130 DEV NOTE - RLC tenant file generation of batches 2 onwards on offline mode. DEV NOTE - RLC tenant file Background task change schedule from 1 minute to 2 minutes. V8. 58.O07080 BUG FIX - The line discount is not included in the raw gross computation in the Ayala Tenant text file. DEV NOTE - New Ayala 2022 updated formula for EPAY_SLS, OTHERSL_SLS. V8. 58.O07040 DEV NOTE - Special Senior/PWD Discount change Vat Exempt computation. V8. 58.O06280 DEV NOTE - New Ayala 2022 tenant config for AUNTIE ANNES. V8. 58.O06250 BUG FIX - Rawgross variance in Ayala Textfile. V8. 58.O06240 BUG FIX - Rawgross variance in Zreading; Ayala's Tenant Data. V8. 58.O06190 BUG FIX - Triplicate copy of x & Z reading V8. 58.O06020 BUG FIX - Ayala Tenant textfile missing header. V8. 58.O06010 BUG FIX - StaLucia tenant Textfile Fixed computation for Net Sales. BUG FIX - Ayala Tenant CSV File add GRAB,FOODPANDA and PAYPAL tender to EPAY_SLS. V8. 58.O05310 BUG FIX - Ayala Tenant Hourly CSV File change QTY_SLD computation. V8. 58.O05301 BUG FIX - Fixed Deduct Discount before computing Service Charge (Minor Fixes) V8. 58.O05300 BUG FIX - Fixed Deduct Discount before computing Service Charge (Revert) V8. 58.O05290 BUG FIX - Fixed Deduct Discount before computing Service Charge (Bloating Issue) V8. 58.O05281 BUG FIX - Tenant Ayala no CSV and textfile generated after zreading. V8. 58.O05280 BUG FIX - Tenant Ayala textfile VAT formula. V8. 58.O05270 BUG FIX - Tenant Ayala NONTAXSALE formula, Z textfile missing footer text. V8. 58.O05260 BUG FIX - Tenant Ayala CSV server path and daily CSV file. V8. 58.O05241 BUG FIX - Tenant Ayala textfile no header, VAT and DLYSALE amount. V8. 58.O05240 DEV NOTE - Tenant Megaworld add NAC Discount in Line 8 V8. 58.O05230 BUG FIX - Fixed Line 4 and 5 in COCL. DEV NOTE - Script for double posting of stock deduction. BUG FIX - Voided items should not included in item list in hourly CSV file. DEV NOTE - Added cron script for fetching expiring terminals. BUG FIX - Fixed Deduct Discount before computing Service Charge. V8. 58.O05160 DEV NOTE - Can set a path where the CSV tenant data will be sent or generated (AYALA 2022 and AYALA 2022 (Multiple terminals) Tenant Connections ). DEV NOTE - Remove the DBF files (AYALA 2022 and AYALA 2022 (Multiple terminals) Tenant Connections ) V8. 58.O05130 DEV NOTE - RLC tenant file background task schedule from 5 minutes to 1 minute. V8. 58.O04270 BUG FIX - RLC tenant file generation both online and offline. V8. 58.O04250 BUG FIX - RLC tenant offline terminal hanging up during EOD. V8. 58.O04210 BUG FIX - RLC accreditation can resend tenant while terminal is offline. V8. 58.O04140 BUG FIX - Fixed eod hourly sales generation BUG FIX - Fixed calculations in txt and csv files BUG FIX - Fixed consolidated report z-read V8. 58.O04130 BUG FIX - Tenant StaLucia, Fixed Gross Sales no Service Charge included DEV NOTE - AYALA Daily Sales File TXT computation DEV NOTE - RLC reaccreditation change request - can resend tenant even if terminal is offline. BUG FIX - Fixed Deposit Redemption Computation Issue BUG FIX - Stock Count ending balance incorrect variance/system count BUG FIX - Fixed Daily Sales File TXT computation V8. 58.O04050 BUG FIX - Added "fcreated_date" setter to address Deposit Reedem blank created date issue V8. 58.O04030 BUG FIX - NAC discount will display as subtotal discount event though it is only in line discount V8. 58.O03220 BUG FIX - Ayala Tenant hourly textfile DEV NOTE - Not updated the Text File on the OCLP Accreditation V8. 58.O03210 BUG FIX - VAT Zero If NAC apply BUG FIX - Fixed print bill bloating issue. V8. 58.O03150 BUG FIX - Update Festival Supermall Sales Textfile Line 6 and Line 17. V8. 58.O03140 BUG FIX - Update NAC field value in Alliance Webpos TMS generation of Sales xml and uploading. V8. 58.O03130 BUG FIX - Addressing the issue with the total tender amount requires ensuring it is rounded off to two decimal places. V8. 58.O03100 DEV NOTE - DEV NOTE - Added Tag for Fix Rent, and added tag to textfile. V8. 58.O03070 DEV NOTE - Tenant RLC tenant new requirements for POS accreditation DEV NOTE - Tenant NAIA tenant update detailed transaction, sales summary and hourly sales textfile. V8. 58.O0305 DEV NOTE - Several specific items are experiencing errors during the purchasing process within the Food & Beverage sector V8. 58.O02241 BUGFIX - Bug fix in Ayala tenant EOD csv file computation in REFUND_AMT. V8. 58.O02240 BUGFIX - Bug fix in Ayala EOD and Hourly csv file computation in GROSS_SLS AND REFUND_AMT. V8. 58.O02229 DEV NOTE - Update validation in an offline mode for RLC tenant V8. 58.O02228 DEV NOTE - Update validation in an offline mode for RLC tenant V8. 58.O02220 DEV NOTE - Added validation in an offline mode for RLC tenant V8. 58.O02220 DEVNOTE - Updated Ayala EOD and Hourly csv file computation in VATEXEMPT_AMNT,DISCOUNTS,REFUND_AMT. V8. 58.O02190 BUG FIX - No Vat Ex reflected on the receipt V8. 58.O02140 DEV NOTE - Alliance TMS and external, new requirement NAC Discount line V8. 58.O02060 BUG FIX - Remove the exceed line to avoid the duplication in Receipt DEV NOTE - Tenant Araneta Center, New Requirement (Line 9 and Line 21) BUGFIX - Tenant Noah Fix Resend Data Transaction Date BUGFIX - Tenant Noah Data Issue V8. 58.O01260 BUG FIX - Included Customer details to receipt for NAC discount BUG FIX - Textfile issue changed PWD computation for line 42 BUG FIX - Textfile issue deduct EVAT from line 40 V8. 58.O01260 BUGFIX - Bug fix in Ayala Tenant EOD CSV file computation in GROSS_SLS,VAT_AMNT,VATABLE_SLS,NONVAT_SLS,VATEXEMPT_SLS,VATEXEMPT_AMNT,NEW_GRNTOT. V8. 58.O01080 BUG FIX - Fixed Negative Tax Sales on Receipt BUG FIX - Fixed PWD/Diplomat Computation in Line Discount V8. 58.N12160 BUGFIX - Bug fix in Ayala Tenant EOD CSV file computation in GROSS_SLS and NEW_GRNTOT. V8. 58.N12150 BUGFIX - Ayala EOD and hourly CSV file. V8. 58.N12140 DEVNOTE - Updated Ayala EOD and hourly CSV file. V8. 58.N12130 DEVNOTE - Updated Ayala CSV files: Item 1: removed service Charge in the VAT Sales and VAT Exempt sales data. Item 2: removed Refund Amount in EOD/GROSS Daily. V8. 58.N12130 BUG FIX - Fixed Count reflected on customer and senior customer on receipt issue V8. 58.N11020 BUGFIX - Ayala Z text file bug fixes on send tenant to server. DEVNOTE - Ayala CTM bulk resend tenant to server for hourly per transaction csv file generation. DEVNOTE - BUGFIX - Daily and Hourly send tenant bulk sending DEVNOTE - Updated Ayala EOD csv file, lookup hq db if send to tenant server, bulk send to tenant server EOD csv file BUGFIX - Updated EOD, fixes in missing value in item 1: no_epay, no_card and item 2: line 80-93 no reflected count per payment type.item 3: Resend tenant - get data to hq. DEVNOTE - Updated EOD bulk resend tenant for local db only. V8. 58.N10290 DEV NOTE - Main Menu re-enabled Sales Report by Product & Sales Summary by Branch V8. 58.N10250 DEV NOTE - Revert TFS 4678 of Megaworld text file. V8. 58.N10242 BUGFIX - Other Tender Type Issues V8. 58.N10241 Updated EOD csv file for ayala tenant V8. 58.N10240 TFS 5175: BUGFIX - EOD Counter Issue Initial Commit & Consolidated Report Syncing Issue v2 V8. 58.N10240 BUG FIX - LCC Group, fixed VAT not added for deposit type product V8. 58.N10232 TFS 5175: BUGFIX - Consolidated Report Syncing Issue V8. 58.N10231 BUGFIX - EOD Decimal Issue and Hourly Text File Header Issue BUGFIX - Consolidated Zread Excel Data Issue V8. 58.N10230 BUGFIX - Consolidated Zread Date Issue BUG FIX - Updated consolidated fixes for eod and hourly ayala tenant BUG FIX - BUGFIX - Serial No.Reading Issue BUG FIX - BUGFIX - Reverted commit for AYALAMULTI2022 Hourly and Daily Sales Occurence BUG FIX - Updated bug fix for hourly transactions duplicate keys TER_NO and TRN_DATE BUG FIX - Updated hourly transaction double field in TER_NO and TRN_DATE V8. 58.N10220 BUG FIX - Update EOD file bug fixes to generate default values for other terminals BUG FIX - Updated Ayala EOD file fixes and Daily Transaction Double Keys BUG FIX - Updated code fixes for TFS 5175 Ayala EOD File. V8. 58.N10210 BUGFIX - Updated Ayala hourly send tenant bug fixes BUG FIX - AYALA2022 Hourly and Daily Sales Occurence BUG FIX - Initial commit for AYALA2022 Hourly and Daily consolidated sales V8. 58.N10170 DEV NOTE - Added NAC in Megaworld tenant textfile in line 16 BUG FIX - Summary by Product discrepancy BUG FIX - VAT columns on the BIR transaction list DEV NOTE - Robinsons teant: Deduct service charge from fgross in line 17 BUG FIX - Tenant Ayala, fix values for tenant files (NO_VOID,OTHER_DISC,NO_OTHER_DISC,NONVAT_SLS) DEV NOTE - W3p Inventory, Added validation before saving signatories BUG FIX - Inventory issue in voiding a package product DEV NOTE - W3p Sales, Removed the fstatus_flag 1 in the product filter DEV NOTE - W3p Sales, Added product net total amount field and exclude canceled product in where clause BUG FIX - Change Line 13 and Line 06 Computation in Megaworldtenant DEV NOTE - additional changes, added label and data in query V8. 58.N08180 DEV NOTE - Add enable/disable setting for Refunded/Voided items in add-on products DEV NOTE - Optimized Download Stock Status Query BUG FIX - W3P CExportCashierDeclaration removed duplicate field fcash in query V8. 58.N08090 MINOR FIX - Display components with qty in billing receipt BUG FIX - Change On Screen Keyboard implementation for Inventory Module and Cash Declaration V8. 58.N07270 DEV NOTE - Include Kit Components for Billing Terminal BUG FIX - Filter error in sysman DEV NOTE - W3P CTM BUG FIX - Changed order in uploading sequence. Inventory first thensales. DEV NOTE - Added Case when Product flotno is null and type is Lot/Serial in rebuild_pos_sale_ledger DEV NOTE - SMMosaic, changed 31 days logic from < to <= V8. 58.N07190 BUG FIX - Fix Stock Status(Terminal) still accessible despite changing security access BUG FIX - Fix record batching (Additional Changes) V8. 58.N07100 DEV NOTE - Align product batch selection search button at left most BUG FIX - Fix Batching in W3PCW3P V8. 58.N07060 BUG FIX - Show negative value in Stock Status BUG FIX - Tenant Ayala, fix values for tenant files (TRN_TIME, VOID_AMT,REFUND_AMT, GROSS_SLS) DEV NOTE - Additional Fields and Module in W3PCW3PAccount DEV NOTE - Change max qty to 7 to cater 2 decimal places DEV NOTE - Add On Screen Keyboard for Inventory Module V8. 57.N07050 BUG FIX - Changed computation for OCLP tenant Line 05 BUG FIX - Round off discount variables before adding in Megaworld Tenant V8. 58.N06300 DEV NOTE - Add enable/disable setting for Refunded/Voided items BUG FIX - Tenant Ayala, Negative media tenders for refunded transaction DEV NOTE - Case 1281 Request accreditation to PITX BUG FIX - Tenant Robinson, change sent counter to 1-9999 BUG FIX - Robinson tenant, remove refunded transaction in discount count DEV NOTE - SMMosaic, added 31 days Sales Report System in Tenant Data V8. 57.N06231 DEV NOTE - CW3PInventory Update query conditions to enhance query perfomance DEV NOTE - NAC Implementation v1 V8. 57.N05181 BUG FIX - reverted WebPOS National Athletes and Coaches (NAC) Discount V8. 56.N05150 BUG FIX - POS, fixed branch restriction bypassed if POS is on offline mode V8. 56.N05110 DEV NOTE - System Integration with NOAH TMS to WebPOS DEV NOTE - Disabled edit quantity feature for product type "C" inBilling terminal DEV NOTE - Receipt, show void details in the print out DEV NOTE - Aeon, Added Memo in Product Line for Discounted Sales Transaction List Script BUG FIX - AGLASS CTM transaction date error trap V8. 56.N04240 DEV NOTE - AGLASS CTM, modified payment date and total payment based on ledger DEV NOTE - Powerplant, revision of gross to remove refunds in POS V8. 56.N04200 DEV NOTE - Powerplant, revision of gross to remove refunds BUG FIX - Bestway, fixed custom reorder requirement for last sold date. DEV NOTE - Remove codes for table collation realignment to utf8 DEV NOTE - Internal, System Settings Audit Trail DEV NOTE - Added table collation realignment to utf8 DEV NOTE - Aeon, Added script for Discounted Sales Transaction List V8. 56.N03310 BUG FIX - Inventory Adjustment, Fixed filter to prevent displaying default type when viewed multiple times in POS BUG FIX - SMMosaic, fixed misalignment of reading csv file BUG FIX - Add doctype filter for sales comparison and sales by branch reports BUG FIX - Changed tenant Festival's counter printout to string DEV NOTE - Add locking when using script for fixing POS trx in ledger V8. 56.N03270 BUG FIX - Dead Stock Report issue BUG FIX - Delivery fdoctype issue when auto receipt is enabled DEV NOTE - System Integration with NOAH TMS to WebPOS DEV NOTE - AGLASS CTM, modified payment date based on fdistributed_flag BUG FIX - Stock Ledger: POS Summary no data V8. 56.N03220 BUG FIX - Tenant ayala value discrepancies V8. 56.N03210 BUG FIX - DB changes for purchase order and delivery doctype issues DEV NOTE - SMMosaic, added 31 days Sales Report System BUG FIX - Added Filter to fetch only active warehouses in ledger DEV NOTE - Added product category syncing in W3P with validation. V8. 55.N03090 BUG FIX - Sales Transaction, fixed the passing of parameters when retrieving data. BUG FIX - Terminal details, fixed station selected value. DEV NOTE - Added enhancements for recreate_pos_hourly_sum script BUG FIX - Ayala tenant: when transaction is R, refund amt is 0 V8. 55.N03030 DEV NOTE - Robinson, changed sent counter in file name to have 0-99 counter. BUG FIX - Sales Transaction, added ["filter"] in line 705 to properly get the parameters. BUG FIX - Inventory Adjustment, Fixed filter to prevent displaying default type when viewed multiple times. DEV NOTE - TMS, removed curex custom in vanilla. DEV NOTE - AGLASS HQ CTM, Refactor Event Hooking. DEV NOTE - AGLASS HQ CTM, Export Sales with Salesman and Total collected. DEV NOTE - TMS, minor bug fix for curex support. DEV NOTE - Added doctype during validation of tms sale. BUG FIX - Bestway, fixed To Order column in re-order requirement. V8. 55.N02210 DEV NOTE - TMS uploading data, added support for CUREX DEV NOTE - AGLASS, batch_generate_customer_credit_line added fname, lname, mname BUG FIX - Condition for receipt no that has characters less than 6 to have a pad of 0 and greater than 6 to return the exact number without the pad. DEV NOTE - eReceipt, changed format to pdf from excel. DEV NOTE - OCLP Accreditation V8. 55.N02060 DEVNOTE - GT, Added Script for Extracting Sales Report by Product Yearly DEV NOTE - add support for text file generation of journal. BUG FIX - Fixed validation for overpayment in online tender and total tender against total gross. BUG FIX - Receiving Report Unique Serial Number Validation V2 V8. 55.N01180 BUG FIX - W3P Inventory Added fupdated_date in the ordering of the script to correct the actual sequence when pulling data. DEV NOTE- SMMosaic ftenantid column size changed to 32 BUG FIX - Bestway, reworked expiry alert and last sold item for reorder requirement module. V8. 54.N01050 BUG FIX - Fixed login issue where client cannot login and is stuck in Performing Z Reading screen BUG FIX - Sales Order search filter value for branch is removed if terminal id is available BUG FIX - Receiving report, added validation for product with unique serial V8. 54.M12160 BUG FIX - fixed typo fcard_no to fcardno for credit ledger missing credit number error BUG FIX - SmMosaic, multiple tenant for sm tenants V8. 54.M11290 DEV NOTE - BWAY, added filter for earliest expiry of lotno with remaining stock in reorder requirement. DEV NOTE - Added batch script to regenerate the journal in pdf form. BUG FIX - Inventory posting, optimized query. BUG FIX - Added checking for duplicate product entries in ReceivingReport. BUG FIX - RLC, fixed incorrect display of prompts. BUG FIX - POS, set fupdated_date_index when creating account in POS. V8. 54.M11160 DEV NOTE - POS, Added notification for Deposit List when Offline DEV NOTE - SmMosaic, BUG Fix in refund sales DEV NOTE - SmMosaic, minor changes BUG FIX - AGLASS, batch_generate_sales_order_list updated the query and added some process BUG FIX - VAT Sales, fixed 0.01 difference. DEV NOTE - Julies CTM for warehouses default values V8. 54.M11080 DEV NOTE - Robinson, fixed status sent flag and added SFTP support for F&B terminal. DEV NOTE - SM, updated the tax exempt sales query. DEV NOTE - SmMosaic, bug fixes in tax exempt sales, returned transactions. BUG FIX - Collection mode set to true due to fcash not reflecting. BUG FIX - Billing, Added Terminal ID filter when in HQ mode for Sales Order Lists. BUG FIX - Ayala 2022, fixed date name for EOD tenant file. BUG FIX - Robinson, fixed multiple re-sending of tenant files. V8. 54.M10260 BUG FIX - Debit card, fixed debit checking if limit is imposed. BUG FIX - Ayala 2022, fixed duplicated contents of tenant file. DEV NOTE - SmMosaic, minor changes in Tax Exempt Sales, and Regular / Other Discount Field. V8. 54.M10240 DEV NOTE - SmMosaic, Bug fix on Tax Exempt Sales. DEV NOTE - Added notification for Deposit List when terminal is offline. BUG FIX - Inventory ledger, limit fmemo to 64 characters. BUG FIX - GT & Tater, add break line whenever adding custom condition during search transaction. BUG FIX - POS Inventory Adjustment, added filter for displaying type label when search multiple times. DEV NOTE - Ayala 2022, fixed file name and added hourly transaction file per regeneration of tenant file. V8. 54.M10170 BUG FIX - Adding of license, removed condition when date is greater than 2038 year. DEV NOTE - Aglass, query adjustment for exporting sales order. BUG FIX - Inventory Adjustment, added filter for displaying type label when search multiple times. DEV NOTE - SmMosaic, 2 decimal places for all sale related field. BUG FIX - Ayala 2022, fixed background task and exported file. BUG FIX - TMS, set as double all numeric for each products from the xml files. BUG FIX - New Ayala Requirement, fixed offline mode, data content, and file export. BUG FIX - New Ayala Requirement, fixed vat percentage value. V8. 54.M10070 BUG FIX - AGLASS, export sales order list multiple records in csv. DEV NOTE - SmMosaic, minor changes. DEV NOTE - New ayala requirement, added consolidated z-read textfile. DEV NOTE - New ayala requirement, updated data formatting and z-reading file name. V8. 54.M10040 DEV NOTE - Add support for new AYALA and AYALA MULTIPLE. BUG FIX - POS inventory query error when Company name has single quote (') character BUG FIX - revert support "&" in XML file during upload, due to error in saving product group menu Dev Note - SmMosaic, minor code changes in data formatting DEV NOTE - Robinson, change LINE 2 of textfile to physical terminal number. DEV NOTE - Updated RLC support based on new guidelines. DEV NOTE - SmMosaic, updated code in resending of data V8. 54.M09130 DEV NOTE - Added support of SM Mall's New Sales Report System. DEV NOTE - Updated RLC support based on new guidelines. BUG FIX - Robinson, fixed indefinite prompts and added support for SFTP. V8. 53.M09020 DEV NOTE - Added support for sending data to SFTP server in terminal. DEV NOTE - Added ipbtq.exe installer. V8. 53.M08170 DEV NOTE - added logic file to generate accounts and products lists. BUG FIX - Robinson Tenant, added condition to specifically choose a method between ftp and sftp. BUG FIX - Terminal, fix validation in billing terminal if serial is unique. BUG FIX - Rebuild pos sale ledger, removed checking of ledger if it is blank and has sales data. V8. 53.M08120 DEV NOTE - added batch file for sending tenant data to SFTP server. DEV NOTE - add support for "&" in XML file during upload. BUG FIX - Distribution is not allowed once it is totally allocated. V8. 53.M07250 BUG FIX - Expiry Alert, fix by site filter BUG FIX - Stock status, added missing parameters in stock status DEV NOTE - Credit validation, added company ID filter to enable validation regardless of terminal type DEV NOTE - Align all table with columns, created by and updated by, according to the length of user ID BUG FIX - Terminal, added validation when product is lotted and has unique serial DEV NOTE - Enhance recreating sales, finding the last sale that has data BUG FIX - Billing, Updated the filtering in Sales Order search query V8. 52.M07070 DEV NOTE - Stock Status Report, added params to set maxlines during extraction. BUG FIX - BIR computation for NET sales. DEV NOTE - Added product status script. DEV NOTE - Inventory ledger, added script to fix summarized sales with incorrect quantity. BUG FIX - Terminal logon, support case-insensitive of user id. V8. 52.M06270 BUG FIX - Product master, align created by to user ID whenever changing category. DEV NOTE - Billing, added script to fix account ledger with voided document issue. V8. 51.M06160 BUG FIX - Terminal, fixed shortcut key after using F3-Search button with warehouse prompt. BUG FIX - Sales Report By Product, change fvar look up to pos_sale_product instead of pos_sale. BUG FIX - Billing terminal, disabled quantity modification if product is lotted and serial is unique. V8. 51.M05310 DEV NOTE - W3P-SAP, Added script for tax type integration from SAP to WebPOS. DEV NOTE - Added script, change franchisee access to all products. V8. 51.M05040 BUG FIX - SBF, Rounded off to hundredth place in computing the famount_due in BUG FIX - Added character restriction in customer name in Sales Order. V8. 51.M04010 BUGFIX - Franchise, Added conditional statements in CPostInventory and CStockLedger for Franchise Companies BUG FIX - Added fdoctype 6000,6150 in search query for Product Movement Analysis and Sales Report by Product DEV NOTE - rebuild_product_summary accepts inputs, all terminals or 1 terminal with period. BUGFIX - Reorder Alert updated the freorder_qty to either mst_product or mst_product_reorder DEV NOTE - Added fupdated_date in act ledger distribution. DEV NOTE - Purchasing, Void PO only when PO is not fulfilled. V8. 50.M02090 DEV NOTE - Added fsiteid to generate from specific warehouse in Server Stock Status Report. DEV NOTE - Archiving alignment with Yara implementation BUG FIX - Franchisee Module Double posting in Stock Ledger BUG FIX - Reorder Alert issue in Reorder Quantity if specified by Warehouses V8. 50.L12150 DEV NOTE - Workaround for Billing Ledger Distribution (needed for Integration) DEV NOTE - Added fupdated_date on act_ledger_distribution for batch processing DEV NOTE - Added Initial Source Code for Middleware App (Yara compatible W3P-SAP V8. 49.L11160 BUG FIX - Billing, validation issue for documents with Authorization DEV NOTE - Added femail on Customer with Loyalty, for ACC BUG FIX - Billing, Search Issue if Keyword has a comma V8. 49.L10190 DEV NOTE - Added NEW Index for act_ledger table BUG FIX - Issue with Adding Customer Information BUG FIX - Discount is applied to non participating products when minimum gross is set to zero V8. 48.L10130 BUG FIX - Issue with PDF/Excel when fdocument_no is empty BUG FIX - Syntax error on CReading due to ",". DEV NOTE - Azure Servers should use passive mode when uploading to FTP V8. 48.L09220 DEV NOTE - Supported Tenant Solaire new posting requirements BUG FIX - Populate picklist where clause issue on Peer to Peer BUG FIX - W3P-SAP, Supported invalid characters ">" and "<" BUG FIX - TMS, upload error due to use of unknown function BUG FIX - Wholesale, posting issues due to empty company information V8. 48.L09100 DEV NOTE - ACC, allow posting of non-existing serials BUG FIX - Settlement errors due to rounding off issues on fgross BUG FIX - INV, posted sales inventory are empty when server is configured with WHOLESALE module V8. 48.L08120 DEV NOTE - Increased sm_exception - ferror_code length to 64 chars DEV NOTE - Updated DNS Lookup to V8. 47.L08100 DEV NOTE - Added document level validation on sales order upload BUG FIX - PCH, Delivery posting issue with auto-receipt V8. 47.L08060 DEV NOTE - Set reset counter to 0 during Zero-Out DEV NOTE - Added document type validations during Sales Upload BUG FIX - Added workaround for terminal inventory adjustments having no ftrxtype DEV NOTE - GET_TRANSACTION, updated DB queries to support data extraction from archived DB V8. 47.L07220 DEV NOTE - NEW: SAP to W3P Price List Integration BUG FIX - W3P Issue with Querying Price ID BUG FIX - Data Logger, removeEventListener issue with uniqid() V8. 46.L07020 BUG FIX - 0.01 Discrepancy between PWD and SC Computation due to rounding BUG FIX - Empty Sales Report by Product Component BUG FIX - Adjustment Detail update price when product master is updated BUG FIX - frequired is always set to zero V8. 46.L06160 DEV NOTE - Improvements on Price Proof List + Compute Price DEV NOTE - Added Special Cutoff on 'Summarize Sales to Inventory' to SM Setting BUG FIX - PCH, allocation issue when posting delivery with multiple serials V8. 46.L06100 BUG FIX - Add back service charge diff on 2019 Computation BUG FIX - EVAT Rounding Issue on 2019 Computation BUG FIX - W3P, Data duplicates on RR V8. 46.L05270 DEV NOTE - NEW: Make new user decoding configurable - Some clients are using passwords starting with % for their MagCard V8. 45.L05180 DEV NOTE - Added CSharedMemory, semaphore blocking per pubid-recno in CPostSales.php DEV NOTE - NEW Logger for function / class specific debugging V8. 44.L05120 BUG FIX - Do not allow Zero Qty when adding item from Price Lookup DEV NOTE - Yara Alignment, For Lotted Items set to "-" by default if Lot is empty BUG FIX - Ledger memo length issue for Product Kit, used Product ID instead of name BUG FIX - Align audit trail (fcreated_by) to fuserid length DEV NOTE - W3P-SAP Supported product line tax computation BUG FIX - Set factive_flag to 1 upon creation V8. 43.L04270 DEV NOTE - Allow Overpayment BUG FIX - Purchasing Received Items - Append fcompanyid to fsupplierid upon search BUG FIX - Sales Report by Product - Incorrect initial value for billing flag V8. 43.L03310 DEV NOTE - fixed problem with qualifying require_once in fw/ DEV NOTE - Added Site ID + Office ID on W3P - GET_SALES_TRANSACTION V8. 43.L03250 BUG FIX - Trim extra characters on Debit/Credit Memo PDF DEV NOTE - (DB UPDATE) Update max length for fcreated_by and fupdated_by under pos_reading BUG FIX - GET_LOCK was set to 1 second by default, updated to 60 BUG FIX - RFID (bypass addProduct request to RFID when it is paused) DEV NOTE - Additional Clean Up for Special Characters - Invalid XML Issue V8. 42.L03040 BUG FIX - Service Charge Computation Issue DEV NOTE - Support postProductLot() on Inventory Posting - Yara Requirement BUG FIX - PCH, extended fref_siteid to 35 chars (Company ID + "," + Site ID) BUG FIX - Script Updates - Bypassing System Exceptions V8. 41.L02150 DEV NOTE - Added bypass for 100 transaction limit on Lite Version BUG FIX - External script issue in bypassing System Exception Errors BUG FIX - Restrict manual input of Lot Number to 32 Characters DEV NOTE - Minor updates on Inventory Verification DEV NOTE - Supported targeted delete of Inventory Cache DEV NOTE - Added NEW Download Page DEV NOTE - Removed delete option on Product Lot Detail V8. 40.L01280 BUG FIX - Rounding Issue on Evat Computation (made fix applicable on all BIR Computations) DEV NOTE - SAP Sync - Updated Product UOM Code if from SAP (was set to PCS previously) BUG FIX - Backdate issue on Stock Adjustment due to AS3 Date problem DEV NOTE - Flash Projector Updates + New Download Page BUG FIX - Purchasing RR Export, CAccount was not imported V8. 40.L01130 BUG FIX - Handling of exemption reset period issue + Minor Updates DEV NOTE - Added default fpopulate journal config on db changes BUG FIX - Auto generate PriceID only when PriceID not set to Price Master template BUG FIX - Remove checking of empty Adjustment List to pull updates BUG FIX - Fix Inventory Verification, Query Optimization BUG FIX - Flash Projector Issue - double "?" on URL DEV NOTE - Supported stock status cache BUG FIX - Billing - Remove voided Debit and Credit Memo for distribution BUG FIX - Excel export issue with special characters V8. 39.K11190 DEV NOTE - New Feature: Transaction History and Recall on BTQ during unexpected shutdown of POS DEV NOTE - Added fpopulate journal for download if set as SYSTEM config BUG FIX - Act Ledger memo exceeded the 128 char limit DEV NOTE - Item Master, supported updating of UOM from SAP (this was previously hardcoded to 'PCS') BUG FIX - Enable credit limit check (charge payments) only if terminal type is billing V8. 38.K11060 BUG FIX - Cashier Report, discrepancy on SC discount total and count due to fevat BUG FIX - Problematic Condition for Stop Sell Override DEV NOTE - Added HTML for viewing System Exceptions BUG FIX - Voided Trx are not tagged with Z-Counter, Issue on HQ Reading Report BUG FIX - Apple Care Connect, Double Posting Issue on Order Creation V8. 38.K10220 BUG FIX - Price Lookup, Added CHANGE_UOM authorization, to add checking when Disabled BUG FIX - PCH, Fixes for Purchase Order and Delivery Links on Receiving Report DEV NOTE - W3P Supported Actions for Purchasing, Receiving Report(GET,VOID/CANCEL) and Delivery(GET) DEV NOTE - W3P Account, exposed email and branch DEV NOTE - Removed unnecessary data on PCH Receiving template V8. 37.K10130 DEV NOTE - Updated Expiry Report query, optimization DEV NOTE - Removed browser dependencies - ExternalInterface (AS3) BUG FIX - Trimmed Ledger Distribution sheet titles to accommodate - MS Excel 31 Character Limit BUG FIX - minor UI adjustment, BTQ date display was rendered in multiple lines BUG FIX - Purchasing: handling of multiple serials on Delivery and Receiving Report BUG FIX - Duplicate Call of setMailOption on CTransactionList DEV NOTE - w3p Account - added email field DEV NOTE - Added access levels (authorization) when updating qty with decimals V8. 37.K09040 DEV NOTE - updated inv_ledger_ex implementation, query optimization DEV NOTE - detect printing/export from Adobe Projector BUG FIX - purchasing, receiving report handling of multiple serials BUG FIX - w3p serials - flotno filter issue V8. 37.K08060 DEV NOTE - Initial Support for Multiple Tenant Configuration DEV NOTE - added terminal number download E-Sales V8. 36.K07160 DEV NOTE - BIR Compliance 2019 Update - VAT Exempt Computation BUG FIX - TMS gross disrepancy for trx with gov't discounts DEV NOTE - added configurable max price DEV NOTE - xlsx enabled by default BUG FIX - workaround for adjustments with empty ftrxtype DEV NOTE - added UOM length checking on master upload DEV NOTE - supported purchasing unit on master upload BUG FIX - stock count - system count computation issue on refresh V8. 35.K05110 BUG FIX - typo on sales return processing BUG FIX - purchasing module, auto receipt issue on delivery (Standard Inventory) DEV NOTE - removed duplicated action UPLOAD_PICK_LIST BUG FIX - over allocation during distribution due to rounding error BUG FIX - rounding issue on credit distribution BUG FIX - auto reading not working due to path issue DEV NOTE - kitchen printout enhancement, sort by clerk DEV NOTE - rebuild inventory ledger and verification updates V8. 35.K04140 BUG FIX - removed addProduct event listener on logout DEV NOTE - BIR Compliance 2019 Update as of Apr 6, 2020 BUG FIX - Customer count discrepancy on Shop Floor DEV NOTE - Added blank ftransmit when pulling sales data for upload DEV NOTE - Default OR range for readings with no sales data DEV NOTE - W3P support for pending inventory movements V8. 34.K03050 DEV NOTE - revamped Government Discount Report DEV NOTE - restrict account by branch improvements DEV NOTE - w3p support for check payment and sales sync per transaction BUG FIX - disable sort by clerk on kitchen printout with product choices BUG FIX - PhpExcel plugin issue DEV NOTE - w3p support for pending inventory transaction BUGFIX - w3p save stock adjustment fixes V8. 34.K02190 DEV NOTE - BIR Compliance 2019 Update as of Feb 19, 2020 V8. 33.K02110 DEV NOTE - updated stock status ex, to remove group by and speed up the process DEV NOTE - implemented cache on getting updated resource DEV NOTE - make sure expiry is date DEV NOTE - SAP, create negative inventory opening balances DEV NOTE - upload reading gross validation, excluded 0.01 diff due to rounding BUG FIX - added fqty on total line computation, issue with fraction qty, ex 0.5 V8. 33.K01220 BUG FIX - w3p stock transfer synchronization BUG FIX - image deletion BUG FIX - setUOM issue on Stock Status Filter BUG FIX - Ayala tenant updates DEV NOTE - OCLP tenant updates DEV NOTE - product type is now required on Master Upload V8. 33.J12020 BUG FIX - added UOM validation on existing records BUG FIX - fix PO signatories account on purchasing DEV NOTE - supported star printer model (partial and full cut) DEV NOTE - added prepost validation: credit payment duplicate posting V8. 33.J11150 BUG FIX - bypassed checking of custom barcode search if disabled DEV NOTE - added additional restriction of invalid character input DEV NOTE - allow to enter code directly thru clerk ID in sales filter DEV NOTE - allow EC terminal to operate as client with limited function DEV NOTE - added customer ID in transaction list in terminal DEV NOTE - improved search sales record in terminal DEV NOTE - allow sequence no to be set ('SYSTEM-WIDE-TERMINAL','fsequence_len') DEV NOTE - fix sequence no of sales report DEV NOTE - improved creation of journal to handle load BUG FIX - update the status of negative deposit when voided DEV NOTE - supported xlxs V8. 33.J10290 DEV NOTE - added % discount column on Sales Report by Product Excel Report DEV NOTE - Increased OR# Sequence Max Length to 7 Digits V8. 32.J10160 DEV NOTE - supported partial auto-cut for Star Printer (enabled by system settings) V8. 32.J10110 NEW - supported dynamic tender method V8. 31.J10090 DEV NOTE - supported pagination on wide receipt printout V8. 31.J10040 DEV NOTE - updated BIR compliant computation DEV NOTE - removed extra line in receipt when products are wrapped V8. 31.J10020 DEV NOTE - Increased maximum size of file on tenant upload BUG FIX - Removal of records limit at UOM Combobox list V8. 31.J09230 DEV NOTE - Added paging to HQ UOM Master List V8. 31.J09200 DEV NOTE - Allow printing of quantity and UOM if quantity is equal to 1 DEV NOTE - include debit memo in generation of aging report DEV NOTE - price level filter for all billing reports NEW - added statement of account by balance NEW - added over credit limit report DEV NOTE - ssp SCM generation BUG FIX - tender dialog in POS (did not copy the memo) V8. 30.J09120 BUG FIX - cannot save user in company login DEV NOTE - supported new magnetic card format for login and timekeeping V8. 30.J09110 DEV NOTE - Additional changes in BIR compliance (BIR Summary Report) V8. 30.J09100 DEV NOTE - Supported Multiple Branches in Account Detail BUG FIX - SOAP server params V8. 29.J08280 DEV NOTE - Supported Nationality Master DEV NOTE - Exclude address on hide/show option on Billing BUG FIX - Purchasing issue on adding lotted product; Updated system qty to per lot BUG FIX - Billing issue for voided memo on ledger distribution V8. 28.J08130 BUG FIX - Corrected error on ledger distribution for voided debit/credit Memos DEV NOTE - Exclude address on contact details option to hide/show on Billing Terminal V8. 28.J08050 DEV NOTE - Initial version BIR Requirement July, 2019 DEV NOTE - corrected transaction list to include multiple selection of filter V8. 28.J07290 DEV NOTE - incorrect create table for pos_terminal_layout DEV NOTE - controlling running time for uploadSales and reading to make sure they wont reach httpd timeout BUG FIX - w3p fixes for payment journal remarks trim and sales excess tender issue V8. 27.J07250 DEV NOTE - auto turn on usage analyzer when CPU or response time reaches certain threshold DEV NOTE - extra checking on delete all master data during upload BUG FIX - allow item not sell to be added to kit DEV NOTE - supported change fund on w3p for Decathlon V8. 27.J07240 DEV NOTE - Festival Mall Tenant Updates V8. 27.J07230 DEV NOTE - remove the upper boundary of period for downloading data BUG FIX - make CPosMgr::pos bindable to avoid warning DEV NOTE - do not return delete log if the terminal is new V8. 27.J07190 BUG FIX - in kiosk/fb, the keyboard popup will appear twice during reset configuration DEV NOTE - improved kitchen monitoring to support separate product choices DEV NOTE - moved verify posted transaction to start up only V8. 26.J07170 DEV NOTE - Supported interfacing with RFID V8. 26.J07160 BUG FIX - Incorrect reading's gross in Powerplant's offline tenant data sending based on new tenant guidelines V8. 26.J07120 DEV NOTE - Supported Powerplant's new tenant guidelines wherein Sales Gross and Reading's NRGT must be equal (offline) V8. 26.J07090 DEV NOTE - Added proper handler on getting the drawer status DEV NOTE - Improved rendering of product menu DEV NOTE - Improved logon performance by turning read terminal request to off DEV NOTE - Created fail safe on callback when getting the drawer status V8. 26.J07081 BUG FIX - Stop Sell error popup is unresponsive on F&B / Kiosk V8. 26.J07080 DEV NOTE - Validate sales to not allow to checkout if transaction's total qty is zero V8. 26.J07020 DEV NOTE - Supported JSST Integration BUG FIX - Corrected Powerplant Multiple's way of getting the previous reading's gross V8. 26.J06250 NEW - Integrated WebPOS with Layout DEV NOTE - Supported Powerplant's new tenant guidelines wherein Sales Gross and Reading's NRGT must be equal (online) BUG FIX - Source document link of inventory adjustment opens the old Inventory forms V8. 25.J06210 DEV NOTE - Supported overriding cashier logo on Billing terminal V8. 25.J06200 DEV NOTE - Exclude inactive accounts on setting account V8. 25.J06110 DEV NOTE - BIR Sales Summary Report Phase 1 changes V8. 25.J06040 BUG FIX - Choice product with no add-on price displays previous product price V8. 25.J05300 DEV NOTE - restrict sales order, collection access in terminal V8. 25.J05290 DEV NOTE - Modified exception checking on terminal reading upload BUG FIX - Check payment info not printed on Billing Document BUG FIX - Included cashier declaration header and detail when deleting the terminal data V8. 25.J05150 DEV NOTE - Updated Discount Master to support Discount/Coupon Codes DEV NOTE - Updated support on getting the product info thru custom barcode DEV NOTE - Applied Account's Branch Restriction to setting Authorization, Clerk, Supplier and Customer V8. 24.J05140 BUG FIX - Corrected Caserta's offline tenant data V8. 24.J05080 DEV NOTE - Supported verifying the customer count on F&B's Dine In V8. 24.J05070 DEV NOTE - Major change in peer to peer http process to support different OS (Content-Length) V8. 24.J04250 DEV NOTE - Added system settings to override stop sell DEV NOTE - Updated file naming convention of Megaworld DEV NOTE - W3P updates on product lot V8. 23.J04220 DEV NOTE - release OPOS V2 BUG FIX - problems in deletePost in inventory (new engine) BUG FIX - various minor problems in purchasing module DEV NOTE - added filter for delivered items with source document V8. 23.J04160 DEV NOTE - automatically resize the product images in terminal to speed up loading V8. 23.J04150 DEV NOTE - smoothing and aspect ratio of images in terminal V8. 23.J04100 DEV NOTE - updated iphwcon to remove the debug filename as default DEV NOTE - updated CPosHW to set the default of printer status to error and retry to 2 secs DEV NOTE - ipmonitor will poll every 2 secs (instead of 20 secs) V8. 23.J04050 BUG FIX - Audit Trail's pagination BUG FIX - No payment on create void transaction on Billing V8. 23.J04030 DEV NOTE - Caserta tenant data updates BUG FIX - Billing's Collection and Sales Order list V8. 23.J04010 DEV NOTE - added option to disable refresh menu during update of stop sell to prevent slow down (FREFRESH_MENU_EVENT) V8. 23.J03270 DEV NOTE - Updated index of sm_image to speed it up V8. 22.J03260 DEV NOTE - Excluded gross validation on TMS process sales for choice children DEV NOTE - Caserta's tenant data updates DEV NOTE - Used tenant code 5 for Megaworld's tagging of TM# V8. 22.J03210 BUG FIX - Initialized sm_image's fcount on franchise module DEV NOTE - Supported Caserta's discount as part of the discount master DEV NOTE - Supported SM tenant data changes for Re-Accreditation BUG FIX - Prevent merging of tables with price level and split bill DEV NOTE - Set System Usage Analyzer to disabled as default behavior V8. 22.J03070 DEV NOTE - allow name, address to be overridden in collection DEV NOTE - Added Adjustment Type changes to Audit Trail V8. 21.J02280 NEW - Support partial fulfillment of job order DEV NOTE - Added manufacturing code to product master lot V8. 20.J02270 DEV NOTE - Updated formulae of Gross Sales and Net Sales on BIR Sales Summary Report V8. 20.J02200 DEV NOTE - Support exclusive government discount DEV NOTE - supported post collection with rights BUG FIX - collection not posted properly V8. 20.J02190 DEV NOTE - Only show the last 2 chars of TM# on Line 2 of Megaworld's tenant data V8. 19.J02150 DEV NOTE - Supported qty left in stop sell BUG FIX - fixed revert sales order status, bill flag should not be used V8. 18.J02140 DEV NOTE - Only retrieve Billing's Sales Order for specific branch if Own Branch filter is selected DEV NOTE - Updated Caserta's formulae on Net Sales and Gross Sales V8. 18.J02080 DEV NOTE - Supported excel output for sales transaction list and sales book in front end DEV NOTE - Generate journal, make sure we dont end up in endless loop if the reading was not uploaded properly DEV NOTE - add bypass for sm_exception DEV NOTE - add CRUD for filter DEV NOTE - add get filter values for BI DEV NOTE - add more interval for generate journal V8. 18.J02040 BUG FIX - Product list price not shown on Product Menu under Product Category DEV NOTE - Added option to require change fund and/or pickup amount before Cashier Declaration V8. 17.J01300 BUG FIX - Receipt footer not printed on Billing's Sales Invoice V8. 17.J01180 BUG FIX - Schema error on cleaning DB records DEV NOTE - Used cashier declaration's updated date time on memo's date time DEV NOTE - Included ad detail when downloading images on F&B V8. 17.J01160 DEV NOTE - added created timestamp in sales transaction for product DEV NOTE - added bypass exception DEV NOTE - fix checking on document no during reading DEV NOTE - added checking on gross sales for reading DEV NOTE - perform z reading should return even when error is encountered V8. 16.J01140 DEV NOTE - Removed enforced settings on Reading to deduct tax from gross on MegaWorld and MegaWorld Multiple tenants V8. 16.J01070 DEV NOTE - Released W3P-SAP V8. 15.I12260 DEV NOTE - overhaul W3P to remove middleware DEV NOTE - overhaul cleanRecord to avoid concurrency conflict V8. 15.I12140 DEV NOTE - added more KPI in sales summary by period DEV NOTE - add show price in browse product DEV NOTE - added margin column in price list V8. 14.I12120 DEV NOTE - Create fail safe so we will not include cancelled pos_sale in order DEV NOTE - Added commit in saveOrder to make sure the sales will be saved even during offline DEV NOTE - Only retrieve active Gift Certificate type when using coupon payment BUG FIX - F&B's Other Tenders were not responsive (Check and Points Redemption) BUG FIX - iphwcon.exe crashes on OPOS V8. 14.I12070 BUG FIX - Drawer not kicking if drawer is connected to the printer V8. 14.I12060 DEV NOTE - Added all IOErrorEvent for socket in terminal DEV NOTE - Included memo field on product search with keyword DEV NOTE - Supported new tenant data for Caserta (Acienda Outlet) V8. 14.I12050 NEW - Support PDF format for journal DEV NOTE - Print line 4-7 of Megaworld's hourly text file even if terminal has no hourly sales V8. 14.I12030 NEW - pick list, revert stock status, edit quantity V8. 13.I11290 DEV NOTE - Supported another code for custom barcode on getting the product info V8. 13.I11270 BUG FIX - Incorrect qty on kitchen printout if branch has multiple station with different mode of product printing (separate & accumulate) V8. 13.I11260 DEV NOTE - Supported Reading Detail export in Excel format DEV NOTE - Supported Dual Cash Drawer V8. 12.I11210 DEV NOTE - remove populate journal from initial download, limit the # of downloads to 10 days DEV NOTE - Do not display expiry if there is no lot no V8. 12.I11130 DEV NOTE - removed auto update of lotno/expiry in product adjustment form to avoid confusion NEW - Added Basket Frequency Report DEV NOTE - after migration, pending fifo process should not include XXXXXX and 000000 BUG FIX - error in sys getting company INVENTORY_FIFO_ DEV NOTE - when accumulating product in terminal, do not accumulate product with different discount V8. 12.I11090 DEV NOTE - add auto change company to facilitate seamless transfer of server V8. 12.I11080 BUG FIX - during read terminal, should not perform reset terminal when rechecking the counters DEV NOTE - getLock should be DB independent V8. 12.I11070 BUG FIX - Incorrect inventory type displayed if movement is zoomed from Stock Ledger list DEV NOTE - Updated file naming convention of Solaire's tenant data DEV NOTE - Added system settings to disable wide control commands on Kitchen Printout V8. 12.I10310 DEV NOTE - Added terminal option to require Cashier Declaration before Z Reading DEV NOTE - Added Cashier Name on Kitchen's Quick Serve V8. 11.I10250 DEV NOTE - Added vat exempt and zero-rated to Festival Mall's tenant data on Line 7 (non-taxable sales) DEV NOTE - Changed maximum character of manually define loyalty member id from 20 to 16 V8. 11.I10230 DEV NOTE - Supported Solaire tenant data DEV NOTE - Added Cashier name on Kitchen Monitoring DEV NOTE - Added input restriction on Government Discount details V8. 11.I10220 DEV NOTE - updates for BIR June 2018 Compliance BUG FIX - Zero-rated sales not negated on Sales Return BUG FIX - Terminal kept on initializing after reset if terminal has no transactions V8. 11.I10190 DEV NOTE - merge the pending and allocation table to distribution table to speed up the process in ledger DEV NOTE - during migrate, make sure to add the ledger to verification process V8. 10.I10170 BUG FIX - upload reading did not return any validated reading, hence it will keep re-uploading the same file V8. 10.I10150 NEW - support "pending" process for inventory FEFO/FIFO NEW - support rerouting of server based on company only DEV NOTE - allow blocking of terminal from updating the server and using HQ DEV NOTE - allow server to be deployed while migration is still in progress DEV NOTE - allow FIFO/FEFO to distribute allocation to succeeding dates or all dates BUG FIX - Incorrect value on Reading's Senior Citizen VAT Exempt V8. 09.I10010 DEV NOTE - Added total quantity on Stock Adjustment and Stock Transfer printout V8. 09.I09270 DEV NOTE - Added Adjustment Type option to allow the user to control posting adjustments on previous inventory dates V8. 08.I09260 BUG FIX - Product Category level 5 not shown on Product Menu if menu will be retrieved offline BUG FIX - Reversed the base price by removing the VAT when computing the master discount amount (price discount) when product line has PWD V8. 08.I09250 DEV NOTE - Updated conditions on retrieving transactions with government discount on Sales Transaction List BUG FIX - Corrected qty saved for unposted products (Unsummarized sales) when sold item used different UOM V8. 08.I09210 BUG FIX - Message counter not incremented when cancelling Beep load transaction V8. 08.I09170 DEV NOTE - added extra checking for create sales return DEV NOTE - added flood control back when saving stock adjustment DEV NOTE - supported tenant data changes of Ever Gotesco V8. 08.I09120 DEV NOTE - Supported cancellation of Beep's Manual Approval on load and voiding transactions V8. 08.I09110 DEV NOTE - Added adjustment type options for the user to specify qty on barcode when adding products on Inventory Adjustment forms DEV NOTE - Changed security access on setting/changing discounts from Discount Master DEV NOTE - Included all transactions with EVAT on Government Discount report BUG FIX - Master can be saved even if no details were specified BUG FIX - Terminal Detail popups were not visible from System Administration V8. 07.I09060 DEV NOTE - set default value of diplomat discount from 12% to 0% DEV NOTE - updated Stored Procedure on getting the stock status of product V8. 07.I08300 DEV NOTE - added accummulate but separate per product choice in kitchen printing DEV NOTE - consolidate the setting of default data for terminal DEV NOTE - support searching of fields in terminal BUG FIX - Incorrect Stock Status if user is restricted to warehouse BUG FIX - Restrict branch flag not included on dowloading of account BUG FIX - Reading was reset to 1 after terminal reset DEV NOTE - Supported new computation of Ayala's NOTAXSALE (include zero-rated sales) V8. 07.I08220 DEV NOTE - Supported Rockwell Club's requirement to show the Sales Return original OR# DEV NOTE - Supported Robinson's tenant data changes (VAT computation) DEV NOTE - Added updated date time on Cashier Declaration printout DEV NOTE - Handled multiple saving of Adjustment when pressing [ENTER] key succeedingly DEV NOTE - Added system settings to compress data on TMS upload BUG FIX - Sales Summary by Product is not grouped by Franchisee if shown by branch BUG FIX - Open drawer command is sent even if Change Fund amount is empty V8. 07.I08200 DEV NOTE - Support Generate Journal DEV NOTE - support search customer's email in terminal V8. 07.I08101 BUG FIX - Service charge not include on Reading printout DEV NOTE - Removed app name from BTQ/FB's login (BIR requirement) V8. 07.I08100 BUG FIX - Items not shown Purchasing's Reorder requirement even if it's below the reorder qty DEV NOTE - Moved the BTQ/FB's Build# at the bottom of the version details V8. 07.I08070 DEV NOTE - Added version details on Terminal settings; changed BTQ/FB's welcome screen image DEV NOTE - Supported PDF, Excel and email function on Branch and Warehouse master DEV NOTE - Added security access on setting Delivery's Auto Receipt and Stock Replacement of Purchasing DEV NOTE - Enabled journal and set default journal directory on Terminal settings DEV NOTE - Added power logo version on Company settings DEV NOTE - Set 1,100 as default for Days to retain sales in terminal (BIR requirement) V8. 06.I08060 NEW - Released BI Module V8. 05.I07270 BUG FIX - corrected get transaction list limit V8. 05.I07250 DEV NOTE - Fixed cyclic error on fireScript due to cloudflare DEV NOTE - Supported fpopulate_all_sales for system, company and terminal specific settings BUG FIX - CGetTransaction, did not include 6150 BUG FIX - Fixed retry function on Beep payments for successful transaction after retry BUG FIX - Total beep not included on receipt printout on reprint DEV NOTE - Omit Points Earned and Loyalty Sales from Reading printout DEV NOTE - Retrieved Transaction Detail's sale time from posted date V8. 05.I07230 DEV NOTE - Allow user to edit cost on Stock Count BUG FIX - Unable to view Statement of Account report (error on printing Statement) DEV NOTE - Added security access checking on new Adjustment form when voiding inventory movement V8. 05.I07180 DEV NOTE - Supported updating status of multiple products on Kitchen Monitoring DEV NOTE - Added Kitchen Station option to print transaction memo V8. 04.I07130 DEV NOTE - supported requested UOM and base uom in monitoring purchased items V8. 03.I07120 DEV NOTE - restored the primary supplier in product master BUG FIX - Stock balance not displayed on Stock Count detail when products are added from Batch Selection V8. 03.I07110 DEV NOTE - supported multiple suppliers for product DEV NOTE - supported PWD, DIP % display for new BIR compliance DEV NOTE - disabled index data DEV NOTE - Applied new sequencing of document no on Beep BUG FIX - Station products from Station Detail not updated if existing list is edited V8. 03.I07090 BUG FIX - sequencing of document no and recno DEV NOTE - allow user to change default UOM of purchasing forms BUG FIX - Inactive products were included on Adjustment's product search BUG FIX - Product's stock balance not included on searching product from Adjustment's search by barcode V8. 02.I07051 DEV NOTE - Used UOM's Decimal Qty as Decimal Precision of Inventory Quantity V8. 02.I07050 DEV NOTE - added barcode entry for forms in purchasing module V8. 02.I07040 DEV NOTE - Added authorization on cancelling Beep requests V8. 02.I07030 DEV NOTE - add exception for upload reading, local key change, and local db error DEV NOTE - use new technique in sequencing the document and recno to make sure no skipping and no duplicates V8. 01.01.I07020 DEV NOTE - Added terminal settings to limit printing of receipt for Accounting or Store copy DEV NOTE - Adjusted the width of document status (created, updated) on Inventory Reports DEV NOTE - Added Upload code on searching from Audit Trail V8. 00.00.I06280 DEV NOTE - Supported line memo on Stock Adjustment, Transfer and on Stock Count BUG FIX - Senior tax ID not retrieved upon getting saved transaction V7. 99.99.I06270 BUG FIX - Kit parent not displayed on Kitchen Monitoring BUG FIX - must close terminal connection upon exit DEV NOTE - Added filter on Branch Master's Kitchen Station products V7. 99.99.I06260 BUG FIX - Corrected Beep Load Transaction printout for manually approved transactions BUG FIX - Corrected retry function for Beep's pending payment requests DEV NOTE - revamped kitchen printing, supported more product printing option V7. 99.99.I06220 NEW - BIR June 2018 Compliance DEV NOTE - added zcounter to speed up searching of open transaction DEV NOTE - save recall will now include those from local data DEV NOTE - download inventory status will be restricted to 30min interval V7. 98.98.I06210 DEV NOTE - Added system settings to allow company/system to view full Transaction Count Graph on Dashboard DEV NOTE - Added system settings to allow company/system to bypass specific email domain from email validation DEV NOTE - PWD must be net of VAT on Robinson's tenant data (Line27) BUG FIX - Beep request counter was incremented twice V7. 98.98.I06200 BUG FIX - Product qty is not multiplied on recomputing the PWD Discount (only if computation is not rounded off - function used by gt_discount) V7. 98.98.I06190 DEV NOTE - Beep - POS to automatically resend pending transactions when request failed to get response from device (Beep response code - 09; error handling when device is disconnected from POS) DEV NOTE - Beep - Added non-receipt header and footer on Load Transaction printout BUG FIX - Purchase UOM not set on Product Master upload BUG FIX - VAT Exempt not included on Ayala Multiple's NOTAXSALE V7. 98.98.I06180 DEV NOTE - Beep's Manual Approval should not be triggered when request was not received by device DEV NOTE - Included tender amount on Beep's load transaction BUG FIX - Beep details not included on receipt printout V7. 97.97.I06080 DEV NOTE - Stock Adjustment and Transfer cost accept up to 6 decimal places DEV NOTE - Added terminal option to require info when applying Government Discounts V7. 97.97.I06060 DEV NOTE - save/recall must include data from local database DEV NOTE - set maximum width of Product Category's combobox on Product Batch Selection DEV NOTE - applied product highlight on Billing's product list V7. 97.97.I05310 DEV NOTE - consider final sales when there is zcounter during upload sales DEV NOTE - tweak upload sales to process batch per lock / changed wait time to 5 secs BUG - changed the upload sales interval to 1 minute (not per second) after each failed attempt V7. 97.97.I05270 DEV NOTE - Updated cashier declare per terminal per z reading DEV NOTE - Updated upload sales to use 2 secs wait time DEV NOTE - Updated upload inventory to use locking mechanism (10 secs) DEV NOTE - update last probe whenever last post is updated to make sense V7. 96.96.I05230 DEV NOTE - moved the price level, customer group and account subsidiary master to account list BUG FIX - unbilled transaction, commit/rollback, computing statement date DEV NOTE - Reorder qty's decimal precision is based on UOM's decimal qty DEV NOTE - Implemented case-insensitive searching on price product/category list V7. 96.96.I05210 DEV NOTE - Added Diplomat VAT Exempt on Reading details BUG FIX - No results found on Purchasing's Search Expected Delivery DEV NOTE - upgraded Session control V7. 96.96.I05080 DEV NOTE - eSales' Taxable Sales must be Net of VAT V7. 96.96.I05070 DEV NOTE - Supported new BIR requirements on PWD DEV NOTE - Added product id as reference details on error message when deleting master data DEV NOTE - Added security access level on BTQ/FB's Repeat Last Item V7. 95.95.I05042 DEV NOTE - made Beep's balance inquiry and heartbeat request optional on system settings BUG FIX - Handled exceptions on beep's response to prevent the iphwcon from crashing DEV NOTE - upgraded Session control V7. 95.95.I05040 DEV NOTE - implement lock control when posting sales upload sales Inventory - adjustment, transfer, count purchasing - delivery, receiving batch - summarize pos to inventory, inventory verification DEV NOTE - new mutex using lock DEV NOTE - removed pos summary during upload reading V7. 95.95.I05030 DEV NOTE - remove deadlock for sm_replication_status NEW - added portal library DEV NOTE - fixed CRUD update logic DEV NOTE - use auto increment for sequence of inv_adjust V7. 94.94.I04160 BUG FIX - Terminal's audit log not added (incorrect object data) BUG FIX - Terminal's audit log not uploaded V7. 94.94.I04130 BUG FIX - Incorrect quantity on unsold items if warehouse is specified DEV NOTE - Only include terminals that are allowed to settle on Ayala Multiple tenant data DEV NOTE - Initialize reading's line counter based on previous reading V7. 94.94.I04030 BUG FIX - terminal keep downloading, using poll DEV NOTE - improved inventory transaction documents DEV NOTE - supported stock count with multiple serial no entry V7. 94.94.I04020 DEV NOTE - Added updated date index on pos_order DEV NOTE - Added access level restriction on voiding inventory movements DEV NOTE - Limit character length on order's product name and sale's reprint flag to fix mysql error BUG FIX - Fixed offline dbf output of Ayala tenant data V7. 93.93.I03260 Minor upgrades - stop sell, table wait time icons BUG FIX - Computation for inclusive tax if senior discount is taxable V7. 93.93.I03230 NEW - Added Stop Sell BUG FIX - Added proper encoding on Product Master Template V7. 93.93.I03211 DEV NOTE - Included VAT Exempt on Non Tax Sales for Ayala tenant data (offline) V7. 93.93.I03210 DEV NOTE - used stored procedure in generating product status BUG FIX - stored procedure on get_stock_status contains error in trxdate V7. 92.92.I03190 NEW - Terminal Audit Trail DEV NOTE - Added option (tenant code 5) to exclude EOD data for JMall tenant data DEV NOTE - Supported Product Choice Master upload V7. 91.91.I03140 BUG FIX - Vat exempt not negated on sales return NEW - Government Discount List DEV NOTE - Included vat exempt for Non Tax fields of Rockwell Powerplant DEV NOTE - Included PWD Discount on Non Tax Sales for Robinson DEV NOTE - Added new trigger for Beep heartbeat request DEV NOTE - Added notification when Beep device is disconnected during heartbeat request V7. 91.91.I03070 DEV NOTE - Added checking for product lot in inventory upload V7. 91.91.I03060 DEV NOTE - allow posting of GC by not using the online verification DEV NOTE - when product is check for unique, no need to activate the check product lot V7. 91.91.I03020 DEV NOTE - minor adjustment to support screen size of 800x600 BUG FIX - no period restriction for deposit list V7. 91.91.I03010 DEV NOTE - added transaction type in voided product list DEV NOTE - supported offline quantity checking during post sales DEV NOTE - no period restriction for sales report by product if product id is specified DEV NOTE - no period restriction for transaction list if customer is specified DEV NOTE - increased period restriction for sales by product to 1000 days BUG FIX - cashier report - make sure not to include cash sales in computation of credit BUG FIX - should not check for lot no during inventory upload if off DEV NOTE - supported php7 for excel reader V7. 91.91.I02260 DEV NOTE - sales comparison, make it compare between similar dates regardless of no sale DEV NOTE - adjusted stock adjustment product cost to show comma during view mode DEV NOTE - changed date restriction default from 31 days to 100 days DEV NOTE - supported download of Account Master template V7. 91.91.I02230 DEV NOTE - updated MPL to support searching of product, and corrected focus on search on fly DEV NOTE - adjusted views for smaller POS resolution (Transaction Detail, Browse Product, Counter) DEV NOTE - MegaWorld tenant data changes (moved Line9 to Line8) DEV NOTE - Supported download of Account Master template V7. 91.91.I02200 DEV NOTE - supported eReceipt enhancements DEV NOTE - imnproved download implementation of Product Master template V7. 90.90.I02190 BUG FIX - Split bill has incorrect qty on Kit products V7. 90.90.I02140 DEV NOTE - supported table occupancy indicator BUG FIX - split should consider group product DEV NOTE - supported prompt qty for weighed items DEV NOTE - supported disable split, table movement per terminal V7. 89.89.I02090 BUG FIX - products with non tax/vat exempt should not change product type if applied senior discount V7. 89.89.I02050 DEV NOTE - remove the update_resource DEV NOTE - optimize search open transaction and checking of open transaction by using index BUG FIX - corrected pear, to make sure commit/rollback will revert auto commit back DEV NOTE - optimized cashier report list to use correct index BUG FIX - sales report by product, should not include unposted sales, optimized DEV NOTE - added period restriction DEV NOTE - pos media ledger kept returning primary key error, use replace into for now BUG FIX - avoid using mutex in post point redemption DEV NOTE - speed up searching for open transaction V7. 88.88.I01250 DEV NOTE - major enhancements on commit/rollback for sales and inventory DEV NOTE - major enhancements on inventory verification DEV NOTE - major enhancements on sales summarization, integrate into one DEV NOTE - bug fix on voided delivered products DEV NOTE - make sure that new tables will be added as InnoDB DEV NOTE - raise error duing sql execution failure DEV NOTE - soap, add log information during internal db connection V7. 87.87.I01160 DEV NOTE - new flood control BUG FIX - inconsistency between fpdf and CPdf on Image and AddPage DEV NOTE - reverted the created date of sales products for NAIA V7. 86.86.I01160 DEV NOTE - Removed last week, last month average in transaction count V7. 86.86.I01150 BUG FIX - wrong db patch for account manual distribution (ledger) BUG FIX - pear/mysql did not return the correct inserted id V7. 86.86.I01040 DEV NOTE - supported PHP7 NEW - added usage analyzer DEV NOTE - added extra indexes to media ledger and account master DEV NOTE - Supported Ever Gotesco Mall tenant data V7. 85.85.H12290 NEW - Supported ledger distribution DEV NOTE - soap, extended time out DEV NOTE - CDownloadStockAdjustment - add join to company to make it faster V7. 83.83.H12120 DEV NOTE - Supported Epson Red/Black printing on Kitchen printout's voided product line BUG FIX - added customer type id on downloading accounts DEV NOTE - display customer input as password when loyalty program is activated V7. 83.83.H12080 DEV NOTE - add use index in searching for last receipt V7. 83.83.H11270 BUG FIX - Negate Vat Exempt on Sales Return BUG FIX - Added discount master db changes on base local db DEV NOTE - Supported Araneta Center's tenant data (offline) V7. 83.83.H11220 BUG FIX - bug in FEFO postTransferee - wrong doctype and trxlink DEV NOTE - Purchasing Reorder Alert -> Reorder Requirement DEV NOTE - added probing on Beep to check device status BUG FIX - handled Beep response code on retry (new event) V7. 82.82.H11030 DEV NOTE - Supported Credit Reversal in Pickup amount BUG FIX - Mutex control should return false if it involves in deadlock DEV NOTE - increase mutex acquire for update inventory to 60mins V7. 81.81.H10250 DEV NOTE - Supported new government computation base - Oct 2017 V7. 80.80.H10230 NEW - supported offline inventory transaction in BTQ/FB V7. 79.79.H10190 DEV NOTE - Supported Evia tenant data DEV NOTE - Supported Araneta Center Multiple tenant data export and applied computation updates DEV NOTE - Applied Megaworld tenant data changes (offline) DEV NOTE - Applied Festival Mall tenant data changes on line 8 and 10 V7. 79.79.H10120 DEV NOTE - Supported Eton and Eton Multiple tenant data BUG FIX - Refresh Auto-complete Combo Box's data provider on reset DEV NOTE - Set Credit Card to empty on BTQ/F&B payment DEV NOTE - Ali Mall Support = do not include discounts DEV NOTE - Purchasing module updates BUG FIX - reset response data before accepting new request for Beep (iphwcon) V7. 78.78.H10020 NEW - Purchasing Module DEV NOTE - double the probing interval in terminal V7. 77.77.H09291 DEV NOTE - Supported Beep payment V7. 76.76.H09290 DEV NOTE - Save recall, when checking for existing open transaction, limit only to 7 days to speed up process BUG FIX - make sure ' is corrected in search index DEV NOTE - Supported Upsell on Billing BUG FIX - Supported Epson Red/Black printing on all Epson-Compatible printer type BUG FIX - UI fixes on Add New Customer window V7. 76.76.H09190 DEV NOTE - added kitchen option to group products by clerk on printout DEV NOTE - included customer count on kitchen printout BUG FIX - Epson Red/Black printing options value not displayed on Terminal Detail V7. 75.75.H09130 DEV NOTE - changed tenant type Ali Coin to Araneta Center DEV NOTE - set tenant ID s maxchar to 32 DEV NOTE - Removed simultaneous problem on inventory balance update DEV NOTE - Supported Epson Black/Red printing BUG FIX - Corrected Super Admin access level DEV NOTE - Do Not Open Drawer on Reprint BUG FIX - Limit Lot No on Multiple Serial from 40 to 24 characters BUG FIX - Email not sent on account registration DEV NOTE - added batch script to export product master template on CSV (appserv/app/batch/export_product_template.php) DEV NOTE - revert Megaworld to old requirements DEV NOTE - included loyalty redeemed points on Line 16 for Megaworld tenant data V7. 74.74.H08300 DEV NOTE - kitchen monitor enhancement - quick serve, custom label, etc DEV NOTE - enhanced upload reading V7. 73.73.H08170 DEV NOTE - fixed front page that requires Adobe Flash BUG FIX - Stamps-activated company cannot verify customer on charge payment BUG FIX - Restrict Stamps customers from using Charge payment DEV NOTE - limit product's lot no maxchar to 24 on BTQ/FB V7. 73.73.H08100 DEV NOTE - adjusted Lot/Expiry on receipt printout V7. 73.73.H08070 DEV NOTE - supported background inventory update * need to run v7.x.73-changes-refresh-inventory.sql in the background after patch BUG FIX - Stock Count's total cost was not updated when changing warehouse V7. 72.72.H08030 DEV NOTE - added terminal option to include kit components on receipt DEV NOTE - changed Manage Price List view from list to filter DEV NOTE - supported fuzzy search on BTQ/FB DEV NOTE - added checking to make sure all sales are uploaded before uploading the cashier declaration DEV NOTE - enable search filter on view mode only for Inventory Report details DEV NOTE - include vat exempt on No Tax Sale for Ayala tenant data (online only) DEV NOTE - supported new computation for Rockwell Powerplant Mall1 (include service charge on vatable sales - online only) V7. 72.72.H07260 DEV NOTE - added option in transaction list to show memo DEV NOTE - added option on terminal setting to verify customer count on settle V7. 71.71.H07200 DEV NOTE - included PWD on government discount for Greenhills tenant data DEV NOTE - supported Media Tender report on SOAP DEV NOTE - added super admin login for terminal DEV NOTE - initial check in of W3P V7. 71.71.H07060 DEV NOTE - hide Download Progress windows during application update DEV NOTE - set sale's posted date on Raw Sales File instead of sales product's created date V7. 71.71.H07040 DEV NOTE - supported eReceipt DEV NOTE - supported gift receipt DEV NOTE - supported Megaworld's new requirements (change filename convention and tenant id length) V7. 70.70.H06290 BUG FIX - Loyalty profile not printed on receipt if Sales is from F&B > Dine In DEV NOTE - supported searching of loyalty customer by member id only (with/without loyalty prefix) DEV NOTE - supported F&B > Product Detail view for smaller pos resolution DEV NOTE - applied new fuzzy search on other master data V7. 70.70.H06230 DEV NOTE - enhanced manage price list (detail section) V7. 70.70.H06200 DEV NOTE - allow to set default packing on FB/Kiosk: Dine In or Take Out DEV NOTE - rename terminal setting "Disable Customer Search" to "Disable Loyalty Customer on Search" V7. 69.69.H06130 DEV NOTE - added new way to get sequence number for ledger DEV NOTE - allow Kitchen to be assigned to specific floor DEV NOTE - removed E-VAT from Senior Discount for Festival tenant data V7. 68.68.H06020 BUG FIX - no discount master retrieved on product discount DEV NOTE - implemented new version of fuzzy search DEV NOTE - optimized the sm_setting update V7. 68.68.H05260 DEV NOTE - added terminal option to disable customer search DEV NOTE - masked loyalty member id on customer details BUG FIX - discount master applied on transaction not reflected on reprint DEV NOTE - allow scanning of loyalty card (card prefix has been added on loyalty program settings) DEV NOTE - added update index to improve downloading of accounts, products and product lot V7. 67.67.H05240 BUG FIX - applied "Do Not Print Statistics If Zero" on z reading - cashier report lines BUG FIX - cannot proceed on settlement if gross is zero DEV NOTE - set SYSTEM-fmenu_category_maxline default value to -1 (no limit) V7. 67.67.H05230 BUG FIX - reset attachments on new mails BUG FIX - incorrect memo printed on receipt DEV NOTE - potential bug in CModel GS20170517, primary key should be included in condition even if blank V7. 67.67.H05160 BUG FIX - added receipt header on Ayala Tenant Data DEV NOTE - added transaction validation on payments DEV NOTE - made terminal settings defaults to "Yes, must equal sales" BUG FIX - cannot view product details when type is Article Line DEV NOTE - added loyalty computation on Product Master upload template BUG FIX - moved the retrieval of info to print receipt to allow hook to work V7. 67.67.H05040 BUG FIX - incorrect tenant date on Ayala Tenant Data DEV NOTE - allow searching of sales by period on BTQ/FB's Open Sales Record BUG FIX - product discount list are not removed after clearing the discount DEV NOTE - added system settings for FB's product category menu maxlines (SYSTEM-fmenu_category_maxline), default maxline is 250 V7. 67.67.H04210 DEV NOTE - change behaviour of PDF output DEV NOTE - accumulate will join the same price list DEV NOTE - added confirmation to only print ayala tenant data on reprint reading (online) V7. 67.67.H04190 BUG FIX - PWD & Diplomat info were not deleted after discount reset BUG FIX - PWD & Diplomat discounts not included on Transaction Bill DEV NOTE - supported Sales Report by Product on API DEV NOTE - corrected maximum length of payment term's interest & downpayment percent DEV NOTE - added period filter on Tenant Data List DEV NOTE - included "Branch" on Sales Transaction List excel report DEV NOTE - master upload - set proper encoder DEV NOTE - avoid endless loop during upload of cashier declaration V7. 66.66.H04060 DEV NOTE - restrict adding of Mobile Inventory terminal to admin BUG FIX - incorrect ayala tenant data on HQ > Sales Book DEV NOTE - added options on requiring cashier declaration before cashier report DEV NOTE - added security access to allow zero/empty cashier declaration BUG FIX - incorrect total qty and total displayed on Voided Product List DEV NOTE - added params on printing ayala tenant data for Ayala (Multiple Terminals) V7. 66.66.H03270 DEV NOTE - USE INDEX to solve table query optimization in sales by product report DEV NOTE - added limit options on Discount Master DEV NOTE - added new terminal type for Mobile Inventory DEV NOTE - changed Ayala Tenant Data printout (added header and fields: Raw Gross, Transaction, Customer Count) BUG FIX - kit products not added on F&B transactions if SYSTEM-finclude_kit_component = 0 V7. 65.65.H03210 DEV NOTE - print products on kitchen when F&B transaction is voided BUG FIX - reset cash payment on billing if payment term has changed BUG FIX - no payment saved if billing sales order is posted from HQ DEV NOTE - changed queue time label display on F&B V7. 65.65.H03160 DEV NOTE - added billing module to quick search DEV NOTE - added system settings to include kit components on sales products (SYSTEM-finclude_kit_component) V7. 65.65.H03080 NEW - Supported quick search DEV NOTE - add function on Product Master to download template (ready for upload) V7. 64.64.H02200 BUG FIX - no authorization prompt on Split Bill when previous authorization was cancelled BUG FIX - no supervisor id set on changing senior discount on Floor (Dine In) V7. 64.64.H02100 DEV NOTE - change template format to blob BUG FIX - during upload sale, the routine may go to endless loop if data is too big and it encounters time out error DEV NOTE - NAIA New Computation Support (Supported zero rated, new computation on PWD, etc) V7. 63.63.H02090 DEV NOTE - Adjusted Transaction Detail view for smaller pos screen resolution BUG FIX - incorrect number of items on print bill V7. 63.63.H01300 DEV NOTE - added search filter on Stock Adjustment, Transfer, Stock Count and Batch Registration form DEV NOTE - enabled searching by reference no on Inventory reports V7. 63.63.H01270 Supported reading by product by code Removed non-critical errors during download V7. 63.63.H01190 BUG FIX - must show all site in price check of billing V7. 63.63.H01180 DEV NOTE - consolidated number of records and number of detail rows BUG FIX - sales report by product should use archive db during pdf/excel output DEV NOTE - increase the number of download for populate product price BUG FIX - force download deletes the original file BUG FIX - No rental computation (line#28) for Robinsons tenant data BUG FIX - changed ticket # implementation to get the max ticket no per branch BUG FIX - Deposit can no longer be claimed when reference transaction is voided DEV NOTE - added source terminal of order on print bill's ticket no V7. 63.63.H01110 DEV NOTE - supported new formula for PWD, DIP V7. 63.63.H01090 BUG FIX - Exclude kit components on kitchen printout V7. 63.63.H01060 DEV NOTE - Enhancements on Account Ledger List (zoomable to statement of account) V7. 63.63.H01030 BUG FIX - flood control, should not return 999 (this is reserved for session) BUG FIX - corrected period selectable range on hq filters BUG FIX - missing orders on split bill BUG FIX - product reorder can't be edited V7. 63.63.G12270 BUG FIX - Bluebay tenant connection will result in save error (duplicate key) DEV NOTE - added zero out feature V7. 62.62.G12240 BUG FIX - error in PK if used in FB between floor and counter V7. 62.62.G12212 DEV NOTE - make primary key error detection smarter DEV NOTE - moved get next order ticket no to memory BUG FIX - Counter in FB has error during settlement when assigning source V7. 62.62.G12190 DEV NOTE - track updated by ip upon saving of inventory documents DEV NOTE - added checking if order is settled on get table orders V7. 61.61.G12070 DEV NOTE - auto-hide FB order list (right panel) when no table is selected DEV NOTE - restrict input on customer name and memo to avoid invalid characters BUG FIX - fix table locking on table transfer BUG FIX - fix lot and product inventory verification loop when terminal is offline BUG FIX - grouped tables appear unoccupied if tables are not selected BUG FIX - Gift Certificate amount not updated when edited on master detail BUG FIX - No table number on split bill receipt DEV NOTE - increased number of document type to 30 V7. 60.60.G12010 DEV NOTE - changed to combobox (from auto complete) for inventory adjustment forms BUG FIX - fix lot verification loop when terminal is offline BUG FIX - exclude kit components on Transaction Bill total items BUG FIX - exclude kit components on Z Reading product summary DEV NOTE - speed up get next recno V7. 60.60.G11150 DEV NOTE - added table locking on transfer DEV NOTE - added Product Kit master on upload DEV NOTE - supported Kit product type on product master upload BUG FIX - corrected wholesale total charge problem BUG FIX - FB table has no source flag when order is settled on Floor > Counter V7. 60.60.G11110 BUG FIX - fix download missing sales loop V7. 60.60.G11080 DEV NOTE - added progress during initial download DEV NOTE - added F&B transfer table restriction BUG FIX - sales report by product must return doctype to zoom to sales order document DEV NOTE - make sure that gross of wholesale is computed based on details BUG FIX - repost sales - error in deleting wholesale products DEV NOTE - make download reading summary as background, other processes more officient DEV NOTE - make initial download better DEV NOTE - convert to ZIP file when emailing BUG FIX - cashier declaration amount not updated when edited row is not selected V7. 60.60.G10210 DEV NOTE - Supported BlueBay V7. 60.60.G10200 DEV NOTE - added account logon restriction to assigned branch V7. 59.59.G10140 DEV NOTE - removed the refresh for ads to avoid flickering DEV NOTE - speed up the posting of sales by caching the counter BUG FIX - use inventory date if zooming from wholesale summary in stock ledger BUG FIX - added max chars for address, contact and memo. Increased size to 255 chars DEV NOTE - added checking to make sure that wholesale will not be overwritten by old records V7. 58.58.G09210 DEV NOTE - supported Ayala tenant data extaction updates (offline) BUG FIX - STAMPS voiding of transactions with redemptions BUG FIX - should preserve the taxt type of saved transactions BUG FIX - added security checking on saving transaction on tender window V7. 58.58.G08310 DEV NOTE - exclude EWT (Extended Withholding Tax) on zero rated and non taxable V7. 58.58.G08220 DEV NOTE - suported stamps points redemption DEV NOTE - added page control on searching product category detail V7. 57.57.G08180 DEV NOTE - added product kit name on stock ledger memo DEV NOTE - improved sales report filters BUG FIX - table orders not updated when joining split bills V7. 57.57.G08100 DEV NOTE - changed focus scroll bar on master records BUG FIX - corrected UOM multiplier on adding products from Barcode field on Stock Count BUG FIX - should only display active price level on BTQ/FB BUG FIX - corrected customer count format for Ayala Multiple tenant data V7. 57.57.G08010 DEV NOTE - Supported EWT (Extended Withholding Tax) V7. 56.56.G07270 DEV NOTE - show branch filter in point transaction even for single company DEV NOTE - improved inventory transaction type, added allow edit cost NEW - Limited release DEV NOTE - report filter improvements DEV NOTE - added fuzzy search on audit trail BUG FIX - should delete the product choice detail in btq once product choice (parent) has been changed in HQ DEV NOTE - Supported transaction memo V7. 55.55.G07130 DEV NOTE - Added report level on Sales Report by Product (Components, Base and Components) BUG FIX - should not compute subtotal senior tax on top of PWD BUG FIX - deposit could not be settled from save/recall DEV NOTE - Product choice improvement - no need to ask if answer is obvious DEV NOTE - Billing, corrected direct email of statement V7. 55.55.G07050 DEV NOTE - added full text search for master DEV NOTE - added reference code to collection DEV NOTE - added rollback support for reprocess pos sales V7. 54.54.G06290 DEV NOTE - change debit/credit memo max characters for numbers DEV NOTE - show reference code and PO no in sales order list (client and HQ) DEV NOTE - Supported commit/rollback for inventory V7. 54.54.G06240 DEV NOTE - Added price level on wholesale module options V7. 54.54.G06160 DEV NOTE - Separated Ayala Tenant data from the z reading printout V7. 54.54.G06070 DEV NOTE - updated Rockwell Powerplant Mall 2 for offline tenant data BUG FIX - fixed transfer to table on F&B's Individual Layout V7. 54.54.G05260 DEV NOTE - Added UOM filter on stock status and stock ledger search V7. 53.53.G05160 DEV NOTE - changed search warehouse from combo to dialog in wholesale module DEV NOTE - make sure to reset the transmit flag of the sales, in case they will be overridden in the server V7. 53.53.G05110 BUG FIX - fixed online validation on pre-post sales BUG FIX - fixed Sales Summary by Product concern (after applying the optimization update) V7. 53.53.G05020 DEV NOTE - changed NAIA specs again on distribution of 0.01 DEV NOTE - added back cashier, customer, clerk filter in sales by product, but will search raw data DEV NOTE - added email alert if there are multiple local errors V7. 53.53.G04220 DEV NOTE - show exclusive tax in sales header, changed V to VX DEV NOTE - support system wide setting on direct settle on recalled transactions DEV NOTE - add show list price option on stock status DEV NOTE - updated Megaworld and Megaworld Multiple, removed * 1.12 on PWD discount DEV NOTE - updated NAIA, moved EVAT from other discount to scdiscount V7. 53.53.G04200 DEV NOTE - non receipt header and footer for x,z readings NEW - supported salesbook during offline mode (limited function) DEV NOTE - added system-wide settings for terminal V7. 52.52.G04180 DEV NOTE - changes formula of NAIA Line 12, removed .TXT DEV NOTE - updated front page to update write up, brand logo and copyright V7. 52.52.G04130 DEV NOTE - allowed to register users email to max 64 chars DEV NOTE - supported VAT exempt sales DEV NOTE - added standalone terminal settings BUG FIX - compute product line doubles the reversal of inclusive tax when paired with non taxable customer DEV NOTE - updated product upload, added VAT Exempt DEV NOTE - updated account upload, added VAT Exempt, removed fvat_flag (no use) V7. 51.51.G04090 DEV NOTE - allow GC Type to be disabled as tender option DEV NOTE - added non receipt header DEV NOTE - change default settings for terminal header to include official receipt statement V7. 50.50.G03110 NEW - added stamp interface V7. 50.50.G03080 BUG FIX - fixed error in search price list DEV NOTE - if upload sales data fails, should set pending so that it will upload once online DEV NOTE - in deposit, must also check local data DEV NOTE - add recurring function and period in GC Type V7. 49.49.G03030 DEV NOTE - added alert if advanced date BUG FIX - XmlToObject - 0 are converted to "", hence the SOAP call will always result in error V7. 49.49.G02290 DEV NOTE - allow manage price list to copy to new document DEV NOTE - added subsidy to megaworld readings V7. 49.49.G02230 DEV NOTE - consolidate all custom company settings to SYSTEM- (FROM DEF_) fmax_product_line_search - limits the number of product lines during search fcompute_unit_price_list - allow to set whether to compute the unit price fproduct_search_mode - 0: product id, product name, 1: product name, generic name V7. 48.48.G02220 BUG FIX - auto fix product that has no UOMID, resulting in order to be settled DEV NOTE - change captcha to 4 numbers only V7. 48.48.G02180 BUG FIX - fixed uom qty when adding directly from stock adjustment quick entry V7. 48.48.G02100 DEV NOTE - Updated Robinson formula on non-tax sales DEV NOTE - increased initial configuration / reset terminal to 2 minutes, speed up the SQL during this process DEV NOTE - Set the default value of MEM to 0 V7. 48.48.G02090 DEV NOTE - added collection product type V7. 48.48.G02070 BUG FIX - corrected header/footer printout (missing 1st line) V7. 48.48.G02020 BUG FIX - reposting sales do not recreate the daily balance for multiple site (wrong logic) DEV NOTE - released 2.25 of iphwcon to support panasonic machines DEV NOTE - make sale by product leaner by removing customer, clerk and cashier V7. 48.48.G01280 DEV NOTE - Supported Rockwell Club DEV NOTE - increased product menu import to 5MB BUG FIX - Cashier declaration has error since if there are multiple terminals in same location BUG FIX - reinstated update last sold during inventory summarization V7. 47.47.G01120 DEV NOTE - Center header and footer with line break DEV NOTE - Added Rockwell Club DEV NOTE - Updated Ayala txt file (field length) V7. 47.47.G01070 DEV NOTE - allow slow terminal to search online when possible DEV NOTE - enhanced customize printing for receipt V7. 46.46.F12290 DEV NOTE - add company specific customization to terminal DEV NOTE - allow faster initialization DEV NOTE - added search card name in media tender report V7. 46.46.F12220 DEV NOTE - Updated Ayala TXT file DEV NOTE - supported new requirement for Ayala (separate TXT, printout) V7. 46.46.F12080 BUG FIX - print footer wont work properly V7. 46.46.F12010 DEV NOTE - changed version name DEV NOTE - upgraded billing system (revamped sales order document, added ship to) V7. 45.45.F11270 DEV NOTE - added ship to master table DEV NOTE - supported default salesman/clerkid V7. 44.44.F11250 DEV NOTE - Changed formula of Megaworld DEV NOTE - shorten sales by period search for pre-EOD transaction V7. 44.44.F11240 BUG FIX - position return 1 if there is offset, this creates infinite loop in wraplines DEV NOTE - make the download office sales faster V7. 44.44.F11230 DEV NOTE - added support for JSON in SOAP DEV NOTE - added business type and non-receipt footer BUG FIX - corrected SMCoin computation to include qty during computation of regular discount V7. 43.43.F11180 DEV NOTE - supported Ayala multiple files dumpling V7. 43.43.F11120 DEV NOTE - changed Greenhills computation to reflect special discount (3) DEV NOTE - supported Felcris based on SM Coin V7. 43.43.F10300 DEV NOTE - supported multiple terminals for Sta Lucia V7. 43.43.F10280 DEV NOTE - Supported new BIR mandate to add customer info DEV NOTE - non existing customer, product will be downloaded if retrieved from server BUG FIX - incorrect line discount, it doubled the free discount items (discount 3) V7. 42.42.F10270 DEV NOTE - supported multi level product menu with highlight and pictures V7. 41.41.F10210 DEV NOTE - remove old records will delete old records not belonging to the terminal regarless of sent status DEV NOTE - add BIRCODE and "O" prefix for e-sales V7. 41.41.F10160 NEW - Supported Alliance WebPOS TMS External DEV NOTE = allow terminal to stop sending when local IP is blank its its overidden V7. 41.41.F10120 DEV NOTE - add time correction in determining which is newer order V7. 41.41.F10090 BUG FIX - cashier report should filter the dine in / take out amount DEV NOTE - supported computation of price list during inventory upload V7. 41.41.F10070 BUG FIX - unit price of product in search window is incorrect if no UOM V7. 41.41.F10010 BUG FIX - recompute did not include the account transaction type (minor change) BUG FIX - saving company user branch pointed to blank companyid DEV NOTE - do not include voided transaction in verifying for upload sales V7. 41.41.F09300 BUG FIX - recompute did not include the account transaction type DEV NOTE - added restriction for entering zero price product DEV NOTE - increased processing timeout for sales movement analysis V7. 41.41.F09210 BUG FIX - update db will not be overriden by customize db update DEV NOTE - TMS- support upload via file/ftp from WebPOS client DEV NOTE - show extra decimal in product reading V7. 41.41.F09160 BUG FIX - searching customer in btq/FB included non active account V7. 41.41.F09100 DEV NOTE - allow user to hide zero net quantity in sales by product DEV NOTE - added takeout display in sales report by product BUG FIX - F&B Cashier declaration added edit button V7. 41.41.F09090 BUG FIX - F&B Cashier declaration is erroneous when using popup numeric keypad and scroll DEV NOTE - supported UOM filter in searching for list price in inventry transaction V7. 40.40.F09040 DEV NOTE - allow product images to be downloaded to mobile DEV NOTE - supported selection of list price or cost for inventory transaction V7. 39.39.F09010 DEV NOTE - Do not allow to override an existing order if the local db has more products V7. 39.39.F08280 BUG FIX - customize subtotal discount was not included in computing of inclusive vat of each line BUG FIX - logging in when there are no company in HQ BUG FIX - price inquiry error and ad adjustment BUG FIX - reading did not show PWD Discount V7. 39.39.F08240 DEV NOTE - added dine in / take out filter in sales report by product, transaction list V7. 39.39.F08230 DEV NOTE - supported MEM for senior citizen V7. 39.39.F08190 DEV NOTE - do not allow negative charges/credit/etc due to cash changes V7. 39.39.F08140 BUG FIX - tms access list BUG FIX - adding adjustment to product line has errors in rounding off DEV NOTE - added impose limit, amount to debit card upload V7. 39.39.F08120 DEV NOTE - add print product to station when saved DEV NOTE - show extended display when opening counter V7. 39.39.F08110 DEV NOTE - added show raw total for products during reading BUG FIX - zoom in from select report by product error V7. 38.38.F08030 DEV NOTE _ added require cashier declaration before cashier report DEV NOTE - added limit for debit card DEV NOTE - updated sorting in get shop floor DEV NOTE - added print to shelf tag (printer) V7. 37.37.F07280 DEV NOTE - added special discount for subtotal V7. 37.37.F07240 BUG Fix - support decimal type 2 V7. 37.37.F07230 BUG Fix - support decimal type DEV NOTE - support new alphaland requirement V7. 37.37.F07211 NEW - added Felcris support V7. 37.37.F07014 NEW - add product grouping in product menu V7. 35.35.F07013 BUG FIX - Local socket listener problem V7. 35.35.F07080 DEV NOTE - added group by price in sales report by product DEV NOTE - added mutex control in repost_pos_sales V7. 35.35.F07070 BUG FIX - added diplomat discount in rockwell tenant file DEV NOTE - corrected OCLP line 5 (should deduct tax) V7. 35.35.F07020 DEV NOTE - added previous cost to product master V7. 35.35.F06290 BUG FIX - uncompressed return will result in uploader to fail DEV NOTE - added discount filter and display in sales by product report V7. 35.35.F06250 NEW - support discount master for product DEV NOTE - added probe timeout adjustment V7. 34.34.F06190 NEW - added secured mode NEW - added discount master DEV NOTE - improved reset order for F&B V7. 33.33.F06160 DEV NOTE - added cost to reorder list DEV NOTE - added option to print product choices DEV NOTE - added search in managed login BUG FIX - fixed inefficiency in franchise condition V7. 33.33.F06040 NEW - Initial version of TMS V7. 32.32.F06010 BUG FIX - allow price product to be download using link priceid V7. 32.32.F05220 DEV NOTE - supported display sync using scroll V7. 32.32.F05150 DEV NOTE - added paging in manage price list DEV NOTE - added paging in server list DEV NOTE - added FIFO/LIFO companies to rebuild balance DEV NOTE - added zero rated tax type in upload product master V7. 32.32.F05050 BUG FIX - pick up amount should not be included in the collection in cashier report DEV NOTE - synchronize product selection with secondary display DEV NOTE - improve interval to upload pending transaction BUG FIX - return the correct total in search pending transaction V7. 32.32.F04300 DEV NOTE - converted article line selection to touch V7. 32.32.F04280 BUG FIX - fzero_rated_sale shoule be coalesced so that no tax sale would yield value BUG FIX - from control panel, load terminal points to wrong company V7. 32.32.F04230 DEV NOTE - added privacy policy link DEV NOTE - include added price in choice to base price in receipt DEV NOTE - auto add check digit to product master EAN13, so that when we scan, we can include it V7. 31.31.F04200 DEV NOTE - OCLP - support all 24 hourly code DEV NOTE - Support NCCC multiple terminals DEV NOTE - voided product report will not include sales return V7. 31.31.F04160 DEV NOTE - supported changes in NAIA (added transaction no) BUG FIX - unable to delete the last line in product packing, choices. V7. 31.31.F04130 DEV NOTE - supported tab character for first character in tenant file (NCCC) V7. 31.31.F04051 BUG FIX - product kit was not saved properly if only product id was changed V7. 31.31.F04050 BUG FIX - License management error DEV NOTE - merged cpanel to HQ NEW - New login UI DEV NOTE - added effects in ad DEV NOTE - added suffix X in date when getting stock status V7. 30.31.F03310 DEV NOTE - remove supress repeating values in sales by product report DEV NOTE - changed greenhills computation to include discounted VAT BUG FIX - stock ledger did not account for unsummarized sales in total count V7. 30.31.F03270 DEV NOTE - Changed Ayala DBF structure to reflect non fraction value for "OTHERS" DEV NOTE - able to recognize encoded ID in pick up form DEV NOTE - added control to show keyboard in pick up form BUG FIX - a special characters (1F) was transmitted and XML could not recognize it, hence, failed to send data DEV NOTE - corrected sta lucia computation on tax exclusive (PWD) DEV NOTE - increase executime time for sales by product to 10 minutes V7. 30.31.F03240 DEV NOTE - updated encoded login to accept changes on enter key DEV NOTE - Ayala tenant, if no sales, trancnt will be zero V7. 30.31.F03200 BUG FIX - F&B, repeat last product should only add 1 qty V7. 30.31.F03170 BUG FIX - F&B product display should not have scroll bars V7. 30.31.F03160 BUG FIX - entering product id / directly in the adjustment form did not trigger form change NEW - supported inventory checking DEV NOTE - added space in receipt for discount, wrapped text DEV NOTE - check for duplicate packing ID DEV NOTE - adjusted NAIA to take care of round off problem V7. 29.30.F03060 DEV NOTE - improve sales report by product so that it wont run out memory during printing DEV NOTE - download xls as zip if more than 1MB V7. 29.30.F02250 NEW - add restriction to open other terminals transaction V7. 28.29.F02180 DEV NOTE - if customer has no price level, it will get the default terminal price level BUG FIX - Ayala/Megaworld multiple tenant. Should include those zcounter = 0 during offline BUG FIX - stock ledger should carry over the stock balance properly during paging V7. 28.29.F02120 BUG FIX - fixed offline Ayala Tenant File (wrong termid) DEV NOTE - added toolbar toggle in counter layout DEV NOTE - product selection will follow product button size NEW - added image in production selection in FB/Kiosk DEV NOTE - changed password length to 64 V7. 28.29.F02110 DEV NOTE - allow system to login using password with and without special chars BUG FIX - cashier declaration retrieves 2 set of data because of multiple companies DEV NOTE - delete upload files during deletelog command DEV NOTE - removing spaces in password DEV NOTE - limit the pending tenant data so it wont slow down the system V7. 28.29.F02090 DEV NOTE - added security checking for entering negative quantity V7. 28.29.F02030 DEV NOTE - change to auto complete combobox BUG FIX - in summarize product summary, we should include product choices also BUG FIX - should check the response of the prompt in start of day operation V7. 27.28.F02010 BUG FIX - in FB, it will create new sales if the data is not replicated DEV NOTE - stock ledger should separate the unsummarized sales to day NEW - added magnetic card login support V7. 26.27.F01220 BUG FIX - deposit are not printed in receipt DEV NOTE - add paging to branch and warehouse master list BUG FIX - show all warehouses in manage login V7. 26.27.F01190 BUG FIX - loyalty member approval was not able to save data V7. 26.27.F01150 NEW - wholesale initial release V7. 25.26.F01090 DEV NOTE - add quick entry mode for stock control documents DEV NOTE - Added UOM Listing DEV NOTE - Product listing - able to show products with packing code only V7. 25.26.F01080 BUG FIX - computation of subtotal checking should be rounded to 2 to avoid decimal discrepancy V7. 25.26.E12172 BUG FIX - prompt warehouse did not show message DEV NOTE - decommissioned inv_daily_balances DEV NOTE - decommissioned pos_product_sum DEV NOTE - do not recompute product status during rebuilding as it requires too much time V7. 24.25.E12170 DEV NOTE - Will print generic zreading output, followed by tenant data (SMCOIN) DEV NOTE - add image to the bottom on ad display NEW - supported numeric keypad in kiosk V7. 24.25.E12100 DEV NOTE - improve interactive sql for administrator DEV NOTE - avoid rewriting the INI during logon, by using cookie BUG FIX - computation of service charge is not zero for large amount because of 0.000001 placeholder DEV NOTE - do not refresh price when price level is the same DEV NOTE - added recovery feature for iportfolio.xml V7. 24.25.E12090 DEV NOTE - add another layer of checking to valid productid, uom, total line DEV NOTE - add change local key alert V7. 23.24.E12020 NEW - Supported OCLP tenant V7. 23.24.E12010 DEV NOTE - do not refresh price during set charge BUG FIX - service charge and local tax is incorrect when deducting tax after discount (fix#2) V7. 23.24.E11250 DEV NOTE - supported customization of color (header, footer) in customer display DEV NOTE - align ad on top of product line, resynced full display timeout V7. 23.24.E11210 DEV NOTE - during initial download, skip the image download to make it faster BUG FIX - service charge is incorrect when deducting tax after discount BUG FIX - adjusted Greenhills to consider product choice V7. 23.24.E11180 DEV NOTE - changed megaworld to include excess tender in netsales DEV NOTE - allow advance date in inventory adjustment and transfer, and search BUG FIX - show customer logo during advertise mode DEV NOTE - able to change powered by logo V7. 23.24.E11100 DEV NOTE - added storage path and disk space info BUG FIX - checkIntegrity has wrong query DEV NOTE - allowed image to be uploaded to account master V7. 22.23.E11050 DEV NOTE - added flood control in saving transaction BUG FIX - Sta Lucia should not include choices V7. 21.22.E11040 NEW - added upload of debit card master NEW - added min/max variety, allow decimal in product choices NEW - added PowerPlant Multiple V7. 19.21.E10300 NEW - add upload of product article BUG FIX - price verifier resulted in error due to checking tax type in sales BUG FIX - error in local tax (tax discounted twice) BUG FIX - check duplicate fsp id when creating new account V7. 19.21.E10270 BUG FIX - stock status should include per site BUG FIX - when assigning xml without casting (original tax type), it will create second entry V7. 19.21.E10210 NEW - allow to specify sorting of product BUG FIX - product movement analysis did not carry over the pareto total BUG FIX - when product choice is increased and the succeeding line is a regular voided product, it will become void itself V7. 18.20.E10160 DEV NOTE - new format for Greenhills tenant V7. 18.20.E10080 NEW - added debugging mode V7. 17.19.E10070 DEV NOTE - wrap of receipt to use 1 space before total to fit "CHANGE" V7. 17.19.E10020 DEV NOTE - added active flag in upload product master DEV NOTE - no retry when generating gift certificates V7. 17.19.E09290 BUG FIX - when adding product through browse, price level is not affected DEV NOTE - allow to enter 6 decimal places for discount percentage V7. 17.19.E09250 BUG FIX - computing of total cost during FEFO was not reset NEW _ allow option to print product name (wrap/ no wrap, product name/short name) DEV NOTE - removed border in ad display V7. 16.18.E09180 DEV NOTE - supported lot no checking within product choices DEV NOTE - changed Ayala format V7. 16.18.E09160 NEW - supported starmall DEV NOTE - added authorized by during printing of cashier report, x and z reading V7. 16.18.E09150 NEW - add basic locking in F&B V7. 16.18.E09050 DEV NOTE - enhanced start of day operation with additional force perform start day DEV NOTE - added fisher mall DEV NOTE - consolidated max detail lines and size for upload BUG FIX - sales by branch V7. 16.18.E09020 CRITICAL BUG FIX - increase script timeout limit and recursive limit DEV NOTE - added mutex control in populate V7. 16.18.E09010 DEV NOTE - added EVAT column in transaction list DEV NOTE - added supplier ID in product list DEV NOTE - supported auto lock terminal BUG FIX - HQ access level updated date BUG FIX - voided product list, application error when authorized by is specified DEV NOTE - added copy db during auto fix of database, naming of RESET DEV NOTE - support printing of lot expiry in the receipt DEV NOTE - support btq sales of up to 1000 lines only V7. 16.17.E08080 DEV NOTE - allow reset configuration to quickly finish without completing product, account and lot download DEV NOTE - supported short name in kitchen and print bill BUG FIX - compute tallying of data during upload sales DEV NOTE - support btq sales of more than 1000 lines DEV NOTE - final sales should only include those uploaded to avoid overlap BUG FIX - fixed computation of subtotal discount, service charge because it was not reset V7. 16.17.E07300 DEV NOTE - change kitchen attribute to double height, remove unwanted characters in initializing 12 cpi (UNDO) DEV NOTE - added failsafe to make sure no double posting for debit card V7. 16.17.E07250 NEW - added customized printout for wide receipt DEV NOTE - show base price for displomat and pwd discount V7. 16.17.E07220 DEV NOTE - trim down initial list of credit card to international standard NEW - Support Loyalty points per product / enhanced loyalty printing in receipt DEV NOTE - print debit balance in receipt DEV NOTE - minor speed up in dashboard V7. 15.16.E07170 DEV NOTE - add customer in kitchen printing, adjusted kitchen printing to exclude dine in mark when compact DEV NOTE - customer display - 1st line auto wrap, 2nd line - not. Extended standby message NEW - background validation tool for posted inventory BUG FIX - searching product lot in BTQ disregarded the product BUG FIX - parsing of station in prep module DEV NOTE - extend hq user id (email) to 64 chars DEV NOTE - update db now updates customize settings V7. 14.15.E07090 BUG FIX - set PWD/diplomat discount in transaction level BUG FIX - unable to properly remove reservation on single lot function V7. 14.15.E07080 DEV NOTE - add short name for product DEV NOTE - add zero-rated tax type for product DEV NOTE - add zero-rated tag for customer DEV NOTE - allowed rotary to extended to 64 characters BUG FIX - cannot filter account properly when restrict site is on (illegal alias) DEV NOTE - add branch column/filter in master account V7. 12.14.E07010 DEV NOTE - Use new signing certificate DEV NOTE - adjusted formula for Greenhills to support "Deduct Tax from New Grand Total" V7. 11.14.E06300 BUG FIX - image not downloaded for shop floor (side effect) DEV NOTE - no retry when searching for stock status V7. 11.14.E06270 BUG FIX - sales by company only computed the primary company NEW - added set negative quantity security checking DEV NOTE - additional failsafe to make sure we are saving transactions with products V7. 11.14.E06240 BUG FIX - error in sales (hs) computation of DINE In/take out NEW - supported fort tenant DEV NOTE - enhanced combobox for touch operation NEW - supported multiple button size for F&B operation NEW - supported qty batch in product choices V7. 10.12.E06200 DEV NOTE - Supported new version of BIR esales BUG FIX - auto search product in F&B should follow search product template V7. 10.12.E06180 BUG FIX - error casting senior tax in compute sales V7. 10.12.E06120 DEV NOTE - cannot enter negative in settlement DEV NOTE - supported new credit card format %b DEV NOTE - change computation of diplomat discount to allow 0 V7. 10.12.E06050 NEW - allow user to customize customer display DEV NOTE - allow only characers in credit card name DEV NOTE - allow terminal to specify whether credit card approval card is required or not BUG FIX - rotary display in the screen was over extended BUG FIX - do not print old message in kitchen if not yet saved BUG FIX - edit order to lesser product lines result in unpredictable error DEV NOTE - during split transaction, send the sales immediately to server V7. 09.10.E05290 BUG FIX - subtotal PWD/diplomat was disabled DEV NOTE - separate take out and dine in tag BUG FIX - do not allow counter layout products to be sorted DEV NOTE - must delete xls after download DEV NOTE - no need for branch if term # is specified DEV NOTE - do not include lot no in zoom to sales by product BUG FIX - archive_select and exe must lookup the resourceid BUG FIX - Greenhills, did not multiply qty when adding back the evat DEV NOTE - Rockwell - changed formula for non tax sale DEV NOTE - modify senior/pwd/diplomat counts DEV NOTE - add system threshold when uploading sales V7. 08.10.E05150 DEV NOTE - senior citizen look up will now follow this -> product, terminal, company (before product, company, terminal) DEV NOTE - senior tax can accept list without default or even blank BUG FIX - do not print products to kitchen when not settled or voided BUG FIX - set service charge in FB should trigger save V7. 08.10.E05121 DEV NOTE - removed sorting of product based on index DEV NOTE - do not increment choice index if already exist V7. 08.10.E05120 DEV NOTE - added checking for discount during checkout DEV NOTE - do not include the choices in the voided product list BUG FIX - record proper supervisor ID during cancellation (did not include the voiding of sales) BUG FIX - problem in sorting product choices when index is not in order V7. 08.10.E05020 BUG FIX - print product to kitchen was omitted V7. 08.10.E04300 BUG FIX - record proper supervisor ID during cancellation DEV NOTE - Do not include FB info in kiosk DEV NOTE - allow terminal to specify if multiple product choices can specify items BUG FIX - Edit Order will not compute price properly DEV NOTE - added screenheight, screenwidth in iportfolio.xml to force screen size V7. 07.09.E04240 BUG FIX - Cashier declaration did not compute cash properly BUG FIX - fixed tradegecko interface to allow hundres of records to be replicated DEV NOTE - added leave page warning DEV NOTE - removed exempted value added tax (wrong computation) V7. 07.09.E04160 DEV NOTE - added extra checking for discount entry V7. 07.09.E04150 DEV NOTE - align the computation of pos product summary in zreading V7. 07.09.E04100 BUG FIX - voided product list should include subtotal discounts and vat DEV NOTE - changed tax computation for product summary DEV NOTE - added tax column in transaction list DEV NOTE - added evat in reading DEV NOTE - make test db connection more verbose V7. 07.08.E04080 DEV NOTE - add cookie for accumulate in browse product DEV NOTE - make sure that document no is copied even greater than 60 days DEV NOTE - reading will be retained for 2 years in local server V7. 07.08.E04070 NEW - added http transfer DEV NOTE - change behavior of check access, no more asking the server V7. 07.08.E03300 NEW - added option to sell lot uniquely BUG FIX - when printing bill, floor name should not included total pax BUG FIX - megaworld total credit should not include charge V7. 06.06.E03260 NEW - added accumulate flag in browse product BUG FIX - corrected verification of manual GC ID DEV NOTE - Add PWD/Diplomat List, improved government discount V7. 05.05.E03250 NEW - supported ALI Multiple Terminals DEV NOTE - do not allow z counter to be overwritten DEV NOTE - fixed rounding off of negative numbers V7. 05.05.E03210 DEV NOTE - supported second screen for 640x480 resolution V7. 05.05.E03200 BUG FIX - sorting terminal and selecting record will result in error Bug fix - ad enhancements on kiosk Bug fix - greenhills, pwd, displomat, senior + choices computation V7. 05.05.E03190 New - released HQM V7. 05.05.E03180 DEV NOTE - ad enhancements - full screen ad, dual lines for rss feed BUG FIX - search ad did not work, did not include keyword search V7. 05.05.E03170 DEV NOTE - enhanced cashier declaration with printing and editing DEV NOTE - changed product summary format DEV NOTE - reactivated final checking during upload sale, make sure product lines are complete V7. 05.05.E03120 BUG FIX - Greenhills should not include choices DEV NOTE - changed search and replace engine DEV NOTE - corrected Greenhills bug on archiving DEV NOTE - changed kiosk product panel back to static V7. 05.05.E03100 DEV NOTE - add rights to change password in BTQ DEV NOTE - corrected sta lucia (must have sales entry for voided lines) V7. 05.05.E03070 NEW - supported cashier declaration in BTQ/FB DEV NOTE - switching between product category in kiosk/FB will only search local DB V7. 04.03.E03060 DEV NOTE - In kiosk, limit the displayable products in each category to 250 DEV NOTE - automatically reassign the document no and trx no if deleted to make sure they will be continuous DEV NOTE - do not allow to logon unless initial download is completed DEV NOTE - do not fix local DB right away when it fails to open DEV NOTE - Robinsons FTP - continue if cannot overwrite V7. 04.03.E03030 DEV NOTE - change how sending of FTP tenant, 500 is considered non error, and allow other files to be sent when encountering error V7. 04.03.E02280 DEV NOTE - new settings for festival tenant V7. 04.03.E02270 DEV NOTE - changed product browsing to eliminate rendering error DEV NOTE - update FIFO/FEFO cost for POS sales V7. 04.03.E02240 NEW - supported split bill DEV NOTE - delete interim post inventory BUG FIX - edit product choice with multiple qty V7. 04.03.E02200 DEV NOTE - changes in Greenhills reading, to make counter continuous (must repopulate reading) V7. 03.02.E02170 DEV NOTE - Display memo in tender list DEV NOTE - Authorization dialog now restricts the user input V7. 03.02.E02120 DEV NOTE - limit product per transaction to 1000 V7. 03.02.E02110 DEV NOTE - add authorization if product does not exist V7. 03.02.E02100 DEV NOTE - allow to edit choices DEV NOTE - added table transfer to all kitchen printing DEV NOTE - added reading on dine in, take out and delivery V7. 02.01.E02040 DEV NOTE - added senior citizen discount per line NEW - supported PowerPlant Mode 2 DEV NOTE - do not allow sales to override expiry date V7. 01.01.E01290 DEV NOTE - cashier declaration should include cash in out of those involved in sales only DEV NOTE - in credit card tender, we will only safe keep last 4 digits, changed label to device no DEV NOTE - added filter for device no in credit tender in media tender report V7. 01.01.E01270 DEV NOTE - credit card approval no is no longer required DEV NOTE - when parent article is deactivated, the child will be deactivated also DEV NOTE - add barcode to product article V7. 01.01.E01240 BUG FIX - multiple spawn on product choices V7. 01.01.E01232 DEV NOTE - supported JMall requirement to add line void to zreading DEV NOTE - During delete terminal, will not affect other terminals on the same site DEV NOTE - REPROCESS Batch is now default, must set explicitly to 0 to allow reprocessing every upload reading V7. 01.01.E01220 NEW - Added point redemption DEV NOTE - reworked the post sales, pre sales validate, post sales validate V6. 99.99.E01160 DEV NOTE - changed kiosk menu selection to refresh everytime DEV NOTE - added support for java in soap DEV NOTE - rearranged zreading to show NRGT before product summary V6. 99.99.E01150 DEV NOTE - add line void to jmall DEV NOTE - changed rounding computation of product discount V6. 99.99.E01100 DEV NOTE - Access rights to enter manual GC/COUPON V6. 99.98.E01080 BUG FIX - logout from sysman BUG FIX - Computation of service charge less tax V6. 99.98.E01070 NEW - supported diplomat discount V6. 99.97.D12270 DEV NOTE - Naia - separate per product, add trade code as sales cat V6. 99.97.D12230 DEV NOTE - Robinson - allowed to override block off time for transaction V6. 99.97.D12190 BUG FIX - NAIA Accreditation V6. 99.97.D12170 DEV NOTE - supported new requirement in Jmall BUG FIX - Naia accreditation V6. 99.97.D12150 DEV NOTE - remove session blocking DEV NOTE - add clear session when killed / aborted V6. 99.97.D12120 DEV NOTE - enhanced loyalty program to share among companies in single server V6. 99.96.D12060 BUG FIX - Download e-sales max document no was incorrectly cast DEV NOTE - updated offline greenhills NEW - supported third party email system V6. 99.96.D12040 NEW - added tradegecko interface (product master, sale by product) V6. 99.96.D11290 DEV NOTE - upgraded fpdf to 1.7 DEV NOTE - deposit should not be included in computation of senior, discount, service charge NEW - added gc breakdown per type V6. 99.96.D11262 NEW - add option not to open cash drawer for non cash settlement V6. 99.95.D11260 NEW - supported background image for shop floor DEV NOTE - media tender report, separated expiry and approval code DEV NOTE - added branch in media tender report V6. 99.95.D11240 DEV NOTE - supported change quantity in product choices, fix all related reports and posting DEV NOTE - clean up kitchen printing for product choices V6. 99.95.D11210 DEV NOTE - check stock status should account the effective date NEW - Supported uploading of loyalty member id in account and uploading of adjustment V6. 99.95.D11190 BUG FIX - if user enters ' in the product search, it will look and compute for all product price DEV NOTE - Mask when entering clerk code V6. 99.95.D11080 DEV NOTE - corrected robinsons time, corrected Greenhills tenant system BUF FIX - sales report by product did not filter number of records properly BUG FIX - add days in php has problem V6. 99.95.D11050 NEW - allow user to set service charge NEW - add deposit function in kiosk and FB V6. 99.94.D10300 NEW - allow user to disable cashier report during z reading NEW - allow user to disable zreading report BUG FIX - proper print out of cashier report during zero sales NEW - added feedback rating NEW - added standalone ad BUG FIX - corrected the formula for SC Discount in transaction list V6. 99.93.D10220 BUG FIX - rotary display on second line lacks one character V6. 99.93.D10180 BUG FIX - order disappeared in receipt BUG FIX - recompute senior citizen discount of 5% converts the extended price V6. 99.93.D10150 DEV NOTE - updated greenhills accreditation BUG FIX - changing something before print bill and settle will produce integrity error V6. 99.93.D10140 DEV NOTE - add open drawer after direct printing in BTQ DEV NOTE - change benchmark of dashboard for sales comparative and month to date NEW - added support for Alpha Land DEV NOTE - should allow refund DEV NOTE - allow space to be included in standby and welcome message V6. 99.93.D10092 DEV NOTE - improve downloading of image, increase http count threshold V6. 99.93.D10090 NEW - add district32 DEV NOTE - added printout for Robinson (Line 25-30) V6. 99.93.D10040 NEW - supported mutiple senior discount NEW - supported amusement tax per product BUG FIX - checking of tender vs subtotal should not include voided transaction V6. 98.92.D09300 BUG FIX - adjustment list should retain the column name for type and cost V6. 98.92.D09230 DEV NOTE - corrected enter amount, enable the button after error V6. 98.92.D09200 DEV NOTE - make browse product window variable height V6. 98.92.D09182 DEV NOTE - supported takeout in kiosk / print takeout label in receipt V6. 98.92.D09180 BUG FIX - cashier report with zcounter with decimal is not rounded off properly DEV NOTE - bug fix - email xls DEV NOTE - create workaround for download xls DEV NOTE - add extra checking to trap if there are no payments made during settlement V6. 98.92.D09050 DEV NOTE - enhanced database recovery when corrupted DEV NOTE - enhanced kitchen printing NEW - Able to hide running total V6. 97.91.D09040 DEV NOTE - corrected Greenhills reading (add tax to gross) DEV NOTE - added PWD discount to SM Coin reading V6. 97.91.D09030 BUG FIX - cannot see senior discount in 800x600 BUG FIX - accumulate product BUG FIX - during offline, must prompt authorization in boutique DEV NOTE - allow download of excel file in chunk DEV NOTE - removed getclientupdate warning V6. 97.91.D09020 DEV NOTE - changed how DB is created in BTQ using copy template V6. 97.91.D08290 DEV NOTE - changed Robinsons reprint logic, write to destination ftp logic V6. 97.91.D08270 DEV NOTE - adjust settlement window in 800x600 screen DEV NOTE - restrict download image DEV NOTE - increased max uploadable video file to 20MB V6. 97.91.D08220 NEW - supported price verifier DEV NOTE - include line discount in transaction list, added PWD discount V6. 97.91.D08200 DEV NOTE - change behavior of override price DEV NOTE - separate evat from senior discount BUG FIX - New computation for PWD discount DEV NOTE - Auto search product should not popup if no result V6. 97.91.D08150 DEV NOTE - check if current transaction is valid during posting DEV NOTE - during get transaction, update local DB DEV NOTE - added discount column in cashier report list DEV NOTE - can search product with packing ID V6. 97.91.D08080 DEV NOTE - ignore minutes seconds when comparing hours DEV NOTE - change choice simulator to touch for HQ BUG FIX - allow to change deposit amount DEV NOTE - add facility to overwrite existing record if current record is posting BUG FIX - voiding records with deposit claim will not reverse the original deposit BUG FIX - recalling a transaction with deposit will point to incorrect seqno BUG FIX - will not include deposit flag, so saving will be faster V6. 97.91.D08070 NEW - Added Greenhills shopping center tenant DEV NOTE - revised Robinson tenant file to add reprint count BUG FIX - make sure to get the recno (not only 60 days) during verify terminal BUG FIX - computing service charge should deduct evat and senior discount BUG FIX - incorrect discount computation V6. 96.90.D08010 NEW - allow user to define logo for cashier station NEW - added ad management BUG FIX - kiosk products disappears V6. 95.89.D07290 DEV NOTE - only include active products DEV NOTE - Optimized Verify Product to make sure everything will be checked BUG FIX - display list of kiosk NEW - allow products to be printed to bar station during settlement DEV NOTE - added region list in price list printout BUG FIX - unit cost must be multipled by units quantity during posting BUG FIX - sales report by product report should include PWD discount V6. 95.89.D07230 BUG FIX - stock count should include decimal place V6. 95.89.D07180 NEW - support dual service charge for takeout and dine in, tagging of takeout NEW - Supported EPSON URL Printer DEV NOTE - Support Sta Lucia additional requirements V6. 95.88.D07150 NEW - Supported Festival Supermall V6. 95.88.D07120 BUG FIX - change formula for amusement tax BUG FIX - critical - wrong document_no, trxno during reset configuration DEV NOTE - add warning if system date is not correct DEV NOTE - restrict changing of info for deposit V6. 95.88.D07080 NEW - added certificate batch creation V6. 95.88.D07050 NEW - added amusement tax BUG FIX - coupon no limit expiry defaulted to current date NEW - supported limit price to region DEV NOTE - receipt will now use real time BUG FIX - kitchen terminal station incorrectly filters products DEV NOTE - added expiry in certficate list V6. 94.87.D07030 DEV NOTE - removed cost component in z reading NEW - allow change status of deposit V6. 94.87.D07020 DEV NOTE - added restriction on z reading if there are pending orders DEV NOTE - PWD discount should be based on discounted price V6. 94.87.D06280 DEV NOTE - added memo in kitchen station, clean up queue time NEW - Supported Shangrila V6. 94.87.D06200 DEV NOTE - Stock status will only show active warehouse Bug fix - Megaworld - add pwd discount and change gc amount Changed DB structure (length) for Ayala Multiple Bug fix - credit card swiping got incomplete details because of delay V6. .94.87.D06180 Bug fix - kitchen printing for text Bug fix - minor layout adjustment on FB Bug fix - when grouping table, it resulted in error in kitchen monitor Bug fix - Sta Lucia reading Bug fix - inventory ledger zooming with pubid and recno BUG Fix - immediate post will not recompute stocks V6. .94.87.D06140 NEW - supported Ayala (Multiple Terminals) DEV NOTE - limit reset configuration downloadable sales to 500 only V6. .94.87.D06110 DEV NOTE - Supported socket printing V6. 94.87.D06070 DEV NOTE - partial release socket printer support DEV NOTE - bug fix, increased fgroupid to 48 chars to accommodate 6 chars PUBID V6. 93.86.D05300 DEV NOTE - Bug fix, Sta Lucia tenant report should consider subtotal senior discount DEV NOTE - Bug fix, FB update group table status properly V6. 93.86.D05240 DEV NOTE - added WOFF; WON in process printer command V6. 93.86.D05200 NEW (with WT) - Added deposit function DEV NOTE - include evat in senior citizen computation in transaction list V6 .92.85.D05070 DEV NOTE - change Ayala tenant file (write to subdirectory and put 0 if no transaction) Bug fix - sales book printing should include all Bug fix - Sta Lucia tenant system - must output line even where there is no sales V6 .92.85.D04230 Dev Notes - performance up on getting last transaction V6 .92.85.D04190 New (with WT) - added company logo to be included in form report (adjustment, count, transfer) Bug fix (no WT) - revert this - active flag should populate to article, article can have its own active flag Bug fix - when entering alias in clerk, it should be converted to account id V6 .92.85.D04160 New (with WT) added password reset V6 .92.85.D04150 Dev note - new product choice for F&B Dev note - enhance kitchen print out to print full product name V6 .92.85.D03200 Dev note - enhanced check server status and add process list Bug fix (no WT) - active flag should populate to article Dev note (no WT) - resummarize product sales summary during EOD Bug fix (no WT) - during summing to pos_hourly_sum, the sequence for insertion of field for voided transaction was incorrect Bug fix (no WT) - restrict office condition is incorrect in voided product list and abc sales Bug fix (no WT) - product sum in z reading should not include void Dev note - limit # of products per records to 1000 lines Bug fix (with sample) - corrected date display in sales by product Bug Fix (without WT) - corrected Lite version to include master records Dev Note: Transferred SVN to office computer V6 .92.85.D03120 New: Supported Sta Lucia Tenant File (with WT) Dev Note: Limit send failed message to 30 to avoid over recursive of function Dev note: Limit wake up send to 100 records to avoid over recursive of function NEW (no WT) - Added option to deduct tax before computing service charge V6 .91.84.D03080 DEV Note: Corrected Line 25, 26 of Robinson Tenant File (have values only if Pharma) Bug Fix (with WT) - should create lot master even if product lot does not track expiry DEV Note - optimized SQL script for sales by clerk report to make it faster DEV Note - Search account should be sorted by name V6 .91.84.D03060 NEW - Added customer strict change to vanilla version BUG FIX (no WT) - corrected Robinsons line 25, 26 (must cast NULL to 0 before deduction) V6 .91.84.D03010 Added lite version Bug fix F1-set discount V6 .91.84.D02270 Bug fix - cannot verify product price even with rounding during synchronization Added strict customer change V6 .90.83.D02260 Bug fix - security access in company/franchise management looked up wrong company id V6 .90.83.D02210 Avoid deleting products V6 .90.83.D02200 Changed local tax computation to exclude inclusive tax Supported tenant system for Pacific mall V6 .90.83.D02190 Bug fix - print count sheet had "GEOFF" in it Kitchen error will now be kept for 2 hours V6 .90.83.D02110 Kitchen printout is now wide Added Epson Compatible - Normal Font Supported local server for mobile Added mail audit trail Bug fix - when transferring table, use the cashier name Bug fix - removed print bill in counter V6 .90.83.D02070 Bug fix - GET Method not working on local HTTP server added this line - "|| db.header["METHOD"] == "GET" Bug fix - hardware controller must wait for socket data to be completed Remove inactive terminal from the list V6 .90.83.D02060 Added serviced by in print hold and print error list Added delete print job trail Print hold now prints 2 copies - initial and reminder Wide printout in kitchen V6 .90.83.D02050 Allow disable printing of serviced by, memo and table trail V6 .89.82.D02040 Added prompt clerk during ordering Bug fix - Recomputing discount when changing price V6 .89.82.D02012 Added printing when tables are transferred or joined Bug fix - do not print senior list if there is no data Do not allow to override a product if voided Allow separation of product printing per quantity V6 .89.82.D02010 Added print spool monitor, print hold and terminal status Removed Inventory ledger locking resulting in timeout V6 .88.81.D01250 Supported Robinsons additional lines Restrict retrieving of sales transaction to same branch Added Senior Discount List Added PWD Discount V6 .87.80.D01210 Changed - Stock ledger, stock count will be last, others will be on posted date Bug fix - product search paging in btq Stock Status - only inventory product should be included Bug fix - reverse transaction of sales used wrong term ID V6 .87.80.D01150 Bug fix, did not compute uomqty in posting of fifo products Changed FIFO/FEFO association Increased print buffer size to 80000 bytes Do not send all orders that are not sent to server (big performance issue) Adjust update inventory to include company for better performance Critical Bug fix - post inventory FIFO, reduced the ledger qty incorrectly Allow tables to be edited at the same time Added net test Bug fix - in franchise setup, void stock transfer does not reverse if not own company V6 .87.80.D01090 Do not override from server immediately, there may be some delay already Do not delete orders associated with table immediately Bug fix - stock ledger should separate by site Added flytech support Added retry failed http message during offline During resync, send data 5 seconds apart V6 .87.80.D01070 Bug fix - zoom from ledger for FEFO records Allow tender information to be retained during settlement, but hide cc info Added range check for price in upload product master Bug fix - application error during price check due to wrong library name (Big cap) V6 .87.80.D01030 reativated begin commit in local DB to making saving faster create index for pos_order V6 .86.79.C12280 Filter will affect only displayed columns V6 .86.79.C12260 Add strict customer (POS Terminal>Basic Setting: Do not allow charging to other customer), changing customer will also change the charge tender Do not accept inventory upload if product is inactive Added clear transaction for order station Removed product memo synchronization (make it localized) Limit upload sales data V6 .86.79.C12180 Removed FB counter scrolling when 800x600 Added memo history Kitchen printing will now print if memo is changed Added arrows for easy navigation in FB Cannot print bill / settle if table is empty Get shop floor is now optimized Added color highlight in FB Supported Flytech drawer (iphwcon - V2.20) V6 .85.78.C12150 Changed search product to use local DB first before server During peer to peer, fresh update should override others regardless of system clock Bug fix - UDP socket does not have IO Error Event remove send peer to peer in error log V6 .85.78.C12140 Bug fix - make sure that httpserver gets all data before processing compare sales product should round up to decimal places updated highlight color V6 .85.78.C12120 Bug fix - server http sometimes get 0 bytes, make sure to return result Removed wait time when adding / browsing product Added disconnect from socket Increased http listen socket to 10000 Added flytech kick drawer support V6 .85.78.C12110 Added feature to adopt to new IP address for HQ Added message command V6 .85.78.C12100 Added product highlight Added paging for account, product pending transaction in BTQ V6 .84.77.C12080 Bug fix arrange table Search transaction list - if blank, still show screen so user change the date in sales history V6 .84.77.C12070 Added search filter in search pending transaction, increased search to 1000 records Removed REPRINT in zreading Changed logic on tender too huge amount Able to override price with zero amount V6 .84.77.C12020 Improve performance on saving product lines Bug fix - In FB, when transaction is voided in counter layout, the products are no longer binded V6 .84.77.C11280 Bug fix - multiple entries in set customer Local backup is now done per zreading Critical bug fix - override price force all price to become zero (first one was incomplete) V6 .84.77.C11270 Critical bug fix - company data is not set during offline V6 .84.77.C11260 Added Voided Product List in HQ V6 .84.77.C11250 Remove check posted status in FB V6 .84.77.C11240 Upload cancel data on the fly and allow user to view it in transaction receipt (HQ only) Added self recovery for posting error Bug fix - fixed choices popup numeric keyboard V6 .84.77.C11230 Critical bug fix - override price force all price to become zero V6 .84.77.C11220 Set supervisor ID to the voided transactions Do not allow to open sales record without concluding current transaction Add reason for void current transaction V6 .84.77.C11210 Bug fix - updating coupon master should qualify memo Do not print voided transaction line in receipt V6 .84.77.C11200 Updated megaworld - added senior discount V6 .84.77.C11180 Added Http indicator Added Http as primary peer to peer communication Check posted transaction is now limited to 5 secs in FB V6 .83.76.C11180 Uploading of sales data in FB is delayed by 1 sec. to allow receipt to be printed immediately Bug fix - must explicitly set temp pass Bug fix - side effect on void item / could not print V6 .83.76.C11150 Allow temp access on supervisor Activated second send for order Support cancel reason Retain price override when saving transaction V6 .82.75.C11120 Unit discount will be rounded off to 2 decimal before computing for final price V6 .82.75.C11110 Set Default value of purchasing unit Changed search open transaction to serviced by Critical bug fix - during FEFO, repost sale cycle keeps looping Changed verification interval of price, product and account from 1 day to 7 days V6 .82.75.C11070 Changed polling from 8->15 seconds, check updated resources to 1 minute Updated http request added response time and cpu time V6 .82.75.C11060 Added HTTP logging Bug fix - critical, orders from server was subjected to update date checking Make searching of barcode first During download order, do not filter termid V6 .82.75.C11050 Increased Due guide by 50% in btq During reset configuration, erase current DB and back it up to unique file Do not commit reset configuration unless it is successful Added NCCC Accreditation Added resending of datagram during packet loss When group has no more orders, try looking at table to sync with the status V6 .82.75.C10310 Updated line 16 of megaworld tenant file During importing of previous reading, do not clear terminal data anymore Enhanced company and franchisee management to include customized function Ticket no can now be reset per day, months and years If already setup, do not offer to do reset configuration V6 .81.74.C10240 Clean up upload sales Increased generic name to 256 chars Updated Megaworld Bug fix - uploading product category value cut to 16 chars Added # of seniors in printing receipt Stock transaction is now equipped with paging Allow replication of Terminal during off limit sync period Added UDP status in HQ/Admin Allow FB to exit appropriately when there is no transaction Bug fix - removed error message during reinstallation V6 .81.74.C10222 Add datagram backup Bug fix on changing price level in cpanel terminal V6 .81.74.C10180 Added secondary IP, improved synchronization Improve cashier declaration list with short and over column V6 .80.73.C10140 Added product type variation Added restart in FB Removed rounding of price until final total V6 .79.72.C10110 Bug fix - print log list has incorrect headers Bug fix - GC Exchange did not reflect amount on initial load Bug fix - filename for JMall accreditation V6 .79.72.C10100 Bug fix getting gc type, debugging info was not removed Make sure not to create multiple zreading Bug fix : JMall SC Discount during subtotal Allow auto EOD if more than 2 days already V6 .79.72.C10010 Enhanced allow to settle function by adding "allow to add tender" Bug fix - updating franchise company will delete all franchisee data Removed category value from product searching V6 .79.72.C09260 Enhancement - when voiding sale with product lotno, it will use the original Bug fix - when voiding, the tax component of the product was not negated Clean up hyperlink for master records Bug fix - comparing stock transfer locations Enhancements, in FEFO, automatic update the details after posting Bug fix - unable to post to franchisee if FEFO V6 .79.72.C09230 Revise IP retrieval process Added wakeup sync command in ISQL Bug fix - error in saving generic master V6 .79.72.C09180 Change how local IP can be retrieved Changed bind data socket diagram to 40 retries V6 .78.71.C09170 Added extra condition to check for zero reset counter Added extra condition during print reading (sales date) Corrected cashier report Bug fix during offline mode, SM Coin has extra comma Bug fix, search upsell uses price id V6 .78.71.C09120 Addded print lot flag in terminal Moved order server as part of service interface (available to BTQ/FB) Bug fix inventory adjustment did not include company id during upload Bug fix during zreading, doctype = 9999 was included, should include document no > 0 and doctype = 6000 only Price check will now use price level during search V6 .77.70.C09100 Readjust timeout to 20 seconds, uploading reading to 120 secs SMCoin enabled sending of data during SOD and on each transaction Bug fix, dashboard in hq should only include sales, so is product summary (there were 9999 included) Bug fix, editing online gc in FB Bug fix, supervisor ID must be reflected during void transaction Bug fix, on print count sheet, it mistakenly uses different subheader. Happens only in shared server. V6 .77.70.C09020 Added terminal online schedule Polling for pending download/upload set to 1 minute When not idle, limit the upload / download timeout to 10 secs Improve FB performance by not calling upload sequence all the time and not overwritting its own data Bug fix, need to send order immediately before being overwritten during synchronization Changed, when getting record no in sales data, use pubid instead of termid Bug fix, get fspmemberid when using individual, delivery and pickup in F&B V6 .76.69.C08300 added button protection to avoid double click all buttons will have hand cursor V6 .76.69.C08240 Added reset order in interactive sql Changed refresh floor to 2 minutes Bug fix on print station (changing to served) Changed how record no is retrieved Added clean up routine for order station Populate product memo during verify posted list (minor) Added change table size in FB Added not assigned in product list During verify terminal, make sure the return code is at the last part to avoid processing message that is cut off Do not show old registration key during initial setup to avoid unintended reset registration V6 .76.69.C08220 In browse product, disable add products once clicked Add products from browse, make sure it does not have chain reaction Dual send on order, sales in peer to peer Added reset orders in FB V6 .76.69.C08210 Make sure to reset the initial download during reset configuration Bug fix = product selection where choices = 1 to 1, should put default Bug fix - posmgr dashboard, should check if data retrieved has error Added fmax_http_count threshold Get order will be the one to set product status If there are orders, table should not be vacant Realign checking of vacant status - remove fofficeid Bug fix - allow negative decimal keypad should allow - entry Hide tender controls when negative amount Added delete button in tender and each type Bug fix (FB tender for coupon and debit card) V6 .76.69.C08150 Automatically update customer count when computing senior discount Improved FB action button - UI, added repeat last item, search product, price check Verify master price should be called once in a while only V6 .76.69.C08100 Bug fix - coupon in F&B results in error Added "set to required amount" in coupon tender V6 .76.69.C08090 Supported JMall Tenant Connection V6 .76.69.C08080 Added sync terminals in FB Added print delivery address during print bill and settlement Do not delete orders (for sync) V6 .76.69.C08030 Bug fix - Upload media was not able to call next sequence During multiple z reading, use only single instance of upload data to avoid overloading the server with requests Allow retry when offline for next sequence Skip tenant process (get tenant) when its off V6 .76.69.C08021 Added server status history Added facility to delete main DB (for correction) Added local IP in terminal history V6 .75.68.C08020 Improve CPU usage by removing depedency on iphwcon for peer to peer comm Make adding of product noticeable assign default command for cut V6 .75.68.C08010 Bug fix - thousands places Add kill servers on exit V6 .75.68.C07310 Updated IPBTQ to Adobe air 2 Added local ip table for each terminal Improved offline checking, copy orders Added own communication socket without iphwcon Remove possible cyclic in peer to peer operation During reset configuration, get all unposted sales of same location V6 .74.67.C07250 Changed prefix and suffix command for kitchen printer - added {LF1;} and {CUT;} Allowed COM device to set baud rate in this format COMn:9600,n,8,1 Corrected header files for FW V6 .74.67.C07240 Added hwcon version and broadcast IP in terminal list Added server status html format Add Loyalty support in front and HQ Counter layout can now enter product code through visual keypad, corrected shift function added 5-20% discount Rearrange counter layout for FB Allow all information to be downloaded in account master Added posted date verification during PK conflict check, to avoid checking its own post Updated receipt tax info (use the one that makes sense) When uploading sales, allow override as long and the sales is not properly posted, 6000 - to avoid having document_no = 0 Zreading, assign zcounter to doctype = 6000 only Check missing sales - check # of sales for posted with document no only During peer to peer, we do not delete posted transaction anymore Added [LF],[CUT],[CUT2] in post kitchen printing command Changed system administration label to marketing, added company and login list V6 .73.65.C07160 Bug fix - download warehouse problem V6 .73.65.C07120 Limit to affected sites during delete terminal Changed reprocess data by site Set sales confirm flag and rebuild flag during import previous reading During shared terminal mode, use c:\webpos Add special debug for specific IP V6 .73.65.C07102 Allowed send mail to use the hook Make sure everything is closed when quitting BTQ/FB Added regkey retrieval Added pk conflict log V6 .73.65.C07100 Added refresh to recompute debit card balance Added lock table when posting sales Allow debit card to be reactivated when expired Allowed negative quantity in FB for refund/correction Added verify lot no in BTQ/FB Bug fix - during auto eod, if zreading does not have cashier report, do not return error V6 .72.64.C07060 Allowed expiry in adjustments to be manually entered Contact person appears only if supplier Bug fix, downloading soap data should be converted to UTF-8 Changed behaviour of price lookup, qty, doz will be reflected Bug fix, stock status, show by lot has minor problem Bug fix, product UOM in Product Detail in BTQ was incorrect Added purchasing UOM in product master V6 .72.64.C07040 Bug fix in on screen terminal for time card - added register button Bug fix in computing debit card, should not include cancelled items V6 .72.64.C07030 Checking missing sales to last month only V6 .72.64.C06270 Increased max file size for upload previous reading to 5MB Last post will depend on terminal allow settle flag and type V6 .72.64.C06250 Added filter printout Supported ISBN/EAN13 in print shelf tag Added kitchen printing during change quantity Enhanced cashier report and X reading in BTQ/FB Added inventory - standard/immediate post Remove lock in for pos_sale_product_unp in upload sales Updated download sales to include payments V6 .72.64.C06150 Add paging to adjustment, transfer and stock count Bug fix, no stock status in adjustment, transfer, count list Must retain sales data at least 30 days Allow transaction list to filter posted/pending transactions Added sales history for account detail V6 .72.64.C06120 Enhanced product master and account master in HQ Added change warehouse in BTQ corrected bug for computing initial balance for franchiser added NEC markeplace integration support in SOAP added contact field in account master check online every time we passthrough V6 .71.63.C06050 Added source for inventory transactions Bug fix - undefined appears in lot in stock adjustment Make sure download order does not exceed 1000 lines Added verify account Server maintenance will send notification every hour or explicity when last notification was cleared double check against newly posted transaction when pressing F11 V6 .70.62.C05300 Added server maintenance in administration Added terminal activity Bug fix NAIA filename during offline Supported Megaworld Allow manual entering of price id Added priceid in sales transaction and list Change design to have only one discount used in price list (ignore overlap) V6 .69.61.C05250 Changed the process of getting saved transaction - from local, server to server, local Must reset version to 1.00 every time we inquire hwcon version Added IP address history of terminal Increased verify terminal timeout to 30s to avoid server is offline error Add resource tracking during master upload Allowed price product to have its own resource for update tracking Bug fix - updating product price using popup window will cause product line to be deleted and inserted (use update) V6 .68.60.C05220 Major change in synchronization to support seamless mode Change post sale algo to avoid stack overflow New method for download price product V6 .68.60.C05210 Allow terminal to resume ISQL once disconnected Fix updatever command in ISQL Added transaction isolation level and index to supervisor id, to remove deadlock Added auto compact during check schema Supported compact in interactive SQL Make auto compact during new DB creation Auto DNS base on appserver V6 .67.59.C05180 Changed tax info label Added saved/get session V6 .67.59.C05120 Upload account immediately as they are created Included mobile no in add new customer in front end Added check missing sales as second layer to make sure terminal will upload missing sales (max 1 day delay) Improved CMailer to handle non-standard email and delimeter Recheck posted transaction to make sure it is in DB before returning the confirmation V6 .65.57.C05080 Enhancement - added multiple serial number entry in stock adjustment, transfer and count Bug fix - post sales did not return the list Bug fix - during repost sales, deleted the ledger if first in first expiry Enhancement - When uploading final sales, make sure it is capable to insert the sales again (fail safe) V6 .65.57.C05030 Must check online during donwload data processing Bug fix - qualify - \ Bug fix - algo in download is incorrect when overlapping 2 or more keys V6 .65.57.C04300 Bug fix - when selecting a table with no products, it returns null causing an error When voiding, must update the refund column V6 .65.57.C04270 During grouping, make sure we do not lose the products Added seggregate product in kitchen printing V6 .65.57.C04260 Added prompt warehouse in btq/fb Changed - send order will always include sales V6 .64.56.C04240 Bug fix - during voiding, the values turn 0 because of comma, should cast to numeric Bug fix - during approval of company, must get the latest info from DB V6 .64.56.C04230 Bug fix - transferred table should update its source when settled V6 .64.56.C04190 Bug fix, during arrange table, sales record were not properly saved because of invalid columns, same with memo (must clean) Change font size for sales transaction in front end Added yesterday transaction count in dashboard V6 .64.56.C04170 Added alternate search key for account master Bug fix, show correct computed profit margin if tax type is not tax inclusive upon retrieved Separated cash in/out from cash in cashier report list Updated dashboard to reflect the selected sales date Added posted time in sales report by product V6 .63.55.C04160 Supported min # of product choices Reprint reading does not print trailing space Will not display voided items after save Bug fix on product choices V6 .62.54.C04120 Added auto backup of local DB Bug fix, print bill order name for customer, others Fix print bill when setting senior citizen discount without saving Improved interactive SQL Added ?IPWHCON_BROADCASTIP to check on broadcast IP, must be V2.16 up Removed last post sales timestamp during delete terminal data V6 .62.54.C04102 Bug fix - merge tables did not compute the header. So print bill was incorrect. Do not allow to edit customer name if there is already customer id Show customer id in transaction detail V6 .62.54.C04100 Added option to check quantity during inventory adjustment Bug fix - save company triggers invalid operation Supported FIFO/First expiry first out V6 .61.53.C04040 Put some delay before print in server Changed sales return behavior to negate everything without recomputing changed iphwcon to V2.15 V6 .61.53.C04030 Bug fix - invalid date when entering product lot through F2 Added error log for socket error Added error log for iphwcon socket (V2.14) Bug fix - product choices using touch screen V6 .61.53.C04020 Make sure change fund wont double post Added other cash in/out in cashier report Supported extra Robinson Tenant Printing Supported iphwcon (V2.13) trace file + print server journal V6 .61.53.C03310 Bug fix, print bill has no items Supported credit card swiping when header is %B V6 .61.53.C03280 increase iphwcon timeout, added try catch. Timeout = cpu overload (iphwcon V2.11) added switching from 5332 to 15332 for socket binding, conflict with IIS Enhanced reset configuration to erase all data V6 .61.53.C03270 Print voided items in kitchen printer Print FB Source in receipt Enhance peer to peer communication V6 .61.53.C03230 Removed checking for zero cost in stock adjustment Disabled stock movement anew Bug fix - Product memo was not retrieved properly Bug fix, printing products on receipts has extra line Convert data to UTF8 during master upload V6 .61.53.C03160 Added Expiry in Stock Status (by Lot) V6 .60.52.C03130 Added verify product list to make sure all products are available locally prompt lot - allow optional will not delete records during replication once it has started added verification for product download, do not include deleted data if first load Add locking when writing to unposted sales Bug fix - do not allow to reprint last transaction that is not posted V6 .59.52.C03070 Bug fix - upsell list total records is incorrect Bug fix - product movement analysis error when filtered by branch Changed polling interval 5->8 secs SetXML to anticipate illegal non UTF-8 characters Make product price download more efficient Added product ID in transaction / receipt view Added ISQL - deletelog, copylog, getsize V6 .59.51.C03050 Bug fix - browse product should base on product category id not, value Support azure - change check btq version using php instead of xml Changed Robinson void and refund Bug fix - sqlite cannot identify tab in sql (major) Various bug fix - product movement analysis (branch) Bug fix - corrected getURL to pass null when getting XML file Bug fix - cannot prefix month in sales trend if across 2 months V6 .59.51.C02290 Corrected Robinsons Line 3,4,21,24 Unprocessed sales should breakdown multiple kit items V6 .59.51.C02230 Corrected ALI Mall tenant file Bug fix - upload product master taking too much time because of inefficient SQL Sales void, sales return should remove warranty Remove cost requirement for stock adjustment, stock count V6 .59.51.C02200 Supported new Robinson requirement with enhancements Bug fix - FTP connect V6 .59.51.C02150 Print product memo in kitchen printer Supported hourly grouping in product movement analysis Supported posting of unprocessed sales for kit Added EVAT, removed max senior discount Bug fix - reorder alert uses daily inventory for conformity Added - reupload payment Bug fix - when editing coupon payment, the information should be retained Bug fix - CGetProductInfo - ChoiceProduct V6 .58.50.C02070 Bug fix - price display in FB Renewed iphwcon for windows, linux and mac V6 .58.50.C02040 Added status feedback and retry during printing (new iphwcon) Bug fix - debit card transaction list (remove new button, filter only active) Bug fix - debit load memo corrected to reflect load type name Bug fix - deleting product will add companyid to key which will not be replicated properly Bug fix - deleting upsell will delete all price list Bug fix - clicking upsell item will prompt product does not exist Bug fix - employee flag not replicated properly Minor bug fix - Time card show horizontal scroll bar Minor bug fix - f4 clerk showed horizontal scroll bar Bug fix - get product info causes application error V6 .58.50.C02010 Added Ali Mall Tenant Support V6 .58.50.C01300 Add spa terminal type with corresponding changes in label Add customer count in sales transaction display Add customer count in sales comparison (HQ) Allow company to activate time card Allow FB to update customer count, print customer count in receipt Supported stock batch registration V6 .57.49.C01260 Allow debit card to accept alphanumeric (BTQ/FB) Change product input so that it will check for active flag V6 .57.49.C01250 Added system setting Added no activity report, expiring license in system manager Increased generate account ID in BTQ to 6-digit sequence no V6 .57.49.C01200 Added tender report filtering for coupon (to search for certificate ID) Added support for gift certificate type Support product choices (except mobile order) Bug fix fterminal_type -> fterminal_flag Supported Send Mail Removed fsp update in account master Merge populate save recall transaction (bug fix) - to ensure all unposted transactions will be saved. Supported time card SMCoin change - service charge should compute based on non tax (This version got accredited) V6 .56.48.C01090 Removed product franchise search during get info V6 .56.48.C01060 Changed price management menu name to Daily Operation Added filter in transaction list = with senior discount only Increased memory during master upload (2GB) Added extended display support for BTQ V6 .56.48.C01050 (CONTINUOUS DB UPDATE ALERT) Supported Cash Declaration V6 .56.48.C01020 (CONTINUOUS DB UPDATE ALERT) Supported group qty flag (uom master) V6 .56.48.B12260 Added upsell feature Bug fix - reading must only include posted, non voided transactions Added receive cash checking, total amount due must not be lower than 1% of total cash received Added sales date in reading in POS terminal V6 .55.47.B12140 Added base quantity in sale report by product Dashboard - sales by branch will now show franchisee records Sales report by product can now view franchisee records Remove category from product search, case insensitive when searching for productid Bug fix - override price in btq did not assume the UOM Changed upload format for category, generic name Changed format in security access Include attribute id in printing Include category id in printing Bug fix - stock transaction, separate by warehouse, filter by categories Bug fix - during reversal, must also negate the total cost Sales by Employee (include pos_sale), changed the name Improved sales transaction display to include line senior discount and tax type Product Pricing - add sell price column, add option to print base or sell price for shelf tag Changed dowload conditions for CDownloadMasterPriceProduct CDownloadProductPacking CDownloadDelegation Added SOAP interface for product, uom, warehouse, sales, adjustment Added product id filter in price proof list Bug fix - price proof list show no data, illegal array Add franchise control over product, limited to franchisee Add franchise control over UOM, category detail, attribute, class, generic Overhaul category detail - upload, master UOM update now uses xml for its details Bug fix - when updating company from sysman, it will remove all franchisee V6 .54.46.B12050 Updated SM Coin computation if no terminal, HQ access should be listed as expired Added manage companies (HQ > Maintenance > Company Management) V6 .54.46.B11241 Added upload for stock adjust Added upload for stock count Bug fix transfer list (destination company name was wrong) Allow to enter debit card id (change DB), there was a bug here Round off dashboard values to 2 decimal places V6 .54.46.B11240 Added upload stock transfer Computation of total cost for stock transfer and adjustment, include series count V6 .54.46.B11230 released SOAP implementation for account master remove quickpopulate for account V6 .54.46.B11210 no retry during verify terminal because of long processing involved added fatal warning for duplicate checking of PK during posting load customer records during posting - this is to avoid db locking added verify posted record - will populate pos_sale anew arrayCompare incorrectly compares numeric during saving because of decimal points, added compareData (solves price list) V6 .54.46.B11180 Performance up - stock transaction summary Change string comparison in php, use strcmp, instead of == (applies to master upload, others) V6 .53.45.B11150 Increase timeout during delete terminal data Inventory filter - revert the adjustment type Modified - if error due to internal server, allow BTQ to operate as offline Added overlapping price list checking in price proof list V6 .53.45.B11090 Added franchisee management in btq Bug fix - sales return on refund did not create sales denomination V6 .53.45.B11030 Supported NAIA Tenant File Remove quickpopulate for product (some products are not being replicated properly) V6 .53.45.B11030 Updated SM Coin - non zero, no gpc, pwd, vip discount V6 .53.45.B11030 Added trace file V06.52.44.B10270 omit zero was not working during reading Changed auto update and versioning to support Linux V06.52.44.B10230 Added product id in sales summary by product Support excel output in price list Added default price level Bug fix- initial price product download V06.51.43.B10190 Added credit id in tender report V06.51.43.B10180 Added symlink V06.50.42.B10130 Bug fix - compute beg balance for franchise Bug fix - stock movement report (child and normal situation) V06.50.42.B10120 Bug fix, when updating product master kit, it did not include the parentid Added retry during posting of sales to avoid loss of data due to db lock error Bug fix - sales summary by branch compare sales Bug fix - vat and service charge computation Added SMCoin printout (X/Z reading) Added double check local transaction for posted transactions V06.50.42.B09300 Added post sales by date (add reprocess data with rebuild flag) download data must qualify the pk Change post pos sales to record base Added Sales Report by Product V06.50.42.B09290 SM Coin update Added selection of images to tables Search for product ID is now wildcard Bug fix, stock status, stock movement - must be by siteid, wrong formula Bug fix, scroll of floor in HQ V06.49.41.B09190 Enhanced upload replication function, immediate upload once there is connection Added replication method for terminal master, for control in mobile devices address Changed updated date in update resource during replication Adjusted download replication so that derivatives wont be called every time there is an update Added access rights to overwrite master data during upload Added type checking during master upload Added function - will reset customer records, discount once all products are deleted in counter sales Orders will be saved in F&B only when modified Bug fix - credit card name did not appear in receipt Bug fix - maximum no of details Bug fix, company id/franchise id was not set during post sales, hence the product of the franchisor was not updated wrong fields for inv_daily_summary V06.49.41.B09060 Adjustment for FB HTTP Server Support import previous reading V06.49.41.B09050 FB support for mobile order station (fterminal_flag) Bug fix, numeric input when blank results in error Added balance for debit card tender V06.48.40.B09010 Added Greenhills promenade tenant connection Added filter for license and company list in cpanel V06.48.40.B08300 Added SM Coin support Corrected net of vat sales, ftax_sale (double deduct the flocal_tax) Filter the price list for each branch V06.48.40.B08230 Support replication of price by product Added captcha for incorrect login of 3 times Added protection against brute force login Added password complexity Added generic list to maximum detail limit of 2000 V06.47.39.B08220 Limit number of details to 2000 records (can be set) Support drawer command in print device (include as print stream) V06.47.39.B08180 Bug fix -DCS - search customer, cancel date, branch, added lock during recompute V06.47.39.B08170 Bug fix - side effect on creating journal extended time limit for saving inventory forms V06.47.39.B08120 Allow franchise products to be uploaded V06.47.39.B08100 Released DCS Bug fix - credit card were not printed Updated price list - discount % to 2 decimal places Price list name must be required V06.46.38.B08040 Added prompt product memo bug fix prompt clerk V06.45.37.B08030 Bug fix!!! timeout in socket causing zreading not to print Media ledger - only print sale date Changed iphwcon printing to localized storage Bug fix - managed by company being updated when changed in HQ Added mutex control for iphwcon Last flush on printing should also wait for printing to be done before returning to callback post sale print job should be based on immediate post fixed checkbox rowselect on datagrid with long vertical scroll V06.45.37.B07270 Bug fix - last pos_sale is being overwritten (zcounter) because the delay in receiving old order came after it was done with EOD Bug fix - delay in pos_order causing it to overwrite the newer pos_order BTQ/FB - db clear parameters clean up FB - do not process sql if there is no sales data V06.45.37.B07260 Bug fix delete all terminal data used the wrong date range (did not erase the stock ledger) V06.45.37.B07200 Bug fix - price list master results in duplicate entry due to filter V06.44.36.B07190 Changed arrange table select into sqlselectex Added line discount in zreading, fix # of discount Change computation of senior line discount to include qty during computation No retry for inventory reports V06.44.36.B07120 added security code in cpanel for delete terminal data restrict date when deleting terminal data no retry during delete terminal data V06.44.36.B07110 Added fimmediate_post Updated formula for powerplant mall accreditation Add security code for deleting all terminal data During auto search product, should include sale_flag increased time limit for master upload V06.44.36.B07050 Bug fix - max size for upload did not reflect Bug fix - unposted product rounded off the qty Enhancement - print save transaction - added prompt cashier Terminal search will show which branch it belongs to (HQ, BTQ, FB) Improved product master listing Added rights for reset configuration, sales book Improved batch assignment in price list (added increase/decrease) Upload master for price - overwrite mode applies to product list put warning on using same reg key for multiple login profiles quick search for customer fnomax for cashier increased width of selection combobox bug fix - we defer the posting of sales, so during custom hook up, we need to call this after we save the data V06.44.36.B06290 bug fix - https support (download with IE, must control cache, csv) bug fix - preloader for https V06.44.36.B06271 Updated terminal listing Supported Excel output for stock adjustment, transfer and stock count V06.44.36.B06240 Add filter in price list Bug fix - updated master upload to take care of special characters in generic (where), and null during sm_delete_log Bug fix - Administration Task - incorrect day check V06.44.36.B06210 Bug fix for monthly subscription Bug fix for Nestle (too many items) decode encypted param - break it down increased memory usage to 1GB increased time limit for price list to 120 set retry = 0 V06.44.36.B06100 Increased print buffer to 20000 for print queue Bug fix - lotno will result in e / decimal Enhancements - allow product name to be printed in separate lines (adjustment, stock transfer, stock count, receipt only) V06.44.36.B06091 Bug fix - cannot access xml when there is parameter Bug fix - download data cannot perform well if started offline (conn was not initialized) Bug fix - when interactive SQL got cutoff, no more offline message Bug fix - direct print should return after writing to printer Bug fix - save transaction resulted in cannot load sales for processing (trx != 1) V06.44.36.B06080 Speed up printing, defer saving during posting Update senior discount to compute correctly based on discount combination Upgrade socket handling to account for connection lag (Updated LPT printing so that it will call the calling function during error) V06.44.36.B06030 Added checking to make sure product category exists during upload Updated upload so that it will take care of casing - price, category, office V06.44.36.B06020 Added timestamp in PDF output Bug fix, report with no title results in error in Mozilla When tender is equal sales, reopening should recompute total V06.44.36.B06010 Added Support for Rockwell Powerplant Mall Added batch no in credit card tender Bug fix, in master upload, should account for spaces in between price levels, offices V06.43.36.B05250 include line discount in z reading Bug fix, touch pad has no dispatch change event V06.43.36.B05230 Added expiry information in inventory form (adjust, stock count, transfer) Change computation for senior citizen (must consider discount) - both line and subtotal V06.42.35.B05160 Added final checking to make sure sales is not posted to avoid double posting Added upload product category Added monthly subscription report Improved cashier report list, make it faster, added paging V06.42.35.B05120 Added mutex control during post sales (double printing of invoice) Supported automatic EOD when terminal is open added version in terminal list allow printing of zero quantity stock in adjustment form V06.42.35.B05110 Make sure start of day will not back track Fixed Bad IP connecting added more functions in interactive terminal Integrity checking was incorrect V06.41.35.B05090 Supported 800x600 for FB Added terminal status and remote control Enhanced replication Improved product search using F12 Add more checking when posting / search for orders in FB V06.41.35.B05090 Bug fix - F&B enter lot not should be required Added enable sound V06.41.35.B05090 Equating tender - must account for round off Bug Fix - Master Upload should point to correct company, use generic resource V06.40.34.B05040 Added HQ expiration if there is no terminal Allow all modules to manage franchise option Allow HQ to edit company information including branch access Remove active flag from company, make all terminal expired if company is not active, cannot login to inactive company Bug fix, FB edit tender Added mutex control during voiding V06.39.33.B04280 Allow terminal to control what type of tender it can use Allow cashier to open transaction in save recall mode, even if its posted When opening tansaction, make sure PT# will be recognized even if its already posted 4/25 - make sure to make all pos_sale point to correct zreading Auto Generate Account ID Bug fix - set station in POS terminal Major bug fix - stop dashboard timer when being removed Add splash message during initial load of master Added Help Desk Support (HQ > Maintenance) with SugarCRM V06.39.32.B04110 Bug fix - delete product in FB counter resulted in error Added sales by branch to dashboard Added cookie, panel view to dashboard Bug fix - sales by branch Bug fix - sales by product, will not overlap Added restriction for sales dashboard V06.39.32.B0407 made start of day verbose Limit previous zreading to 01/01/2011 Send pending data when logon is successful only Logon terminal, should check also server if possible Support archive database for pos_sale, pos_sale_product, pos_sale_payment, pos_sale_product_memo V06.39.32.B0406 add transfer of table by drag automatic set customer if charge add option to turn off "auto end of day option" change the ordering of cashier report list CSaveRecall - we do not delete our own during verify posted list bug fix - cashier report when zcounter = 0, use only its own date bug fix - sum of total cost in sales by period bug fix - sales comparison (use hourly sum) V06.38.31.B0331 bug fix - allow accumulation of product lot if prompt lot is off bug fix - proper scrolling of btq window product list when reaching bottom of window bug fix - download template, put xls and timestamp, support firefox upgrade sales by period - added paging V06.38.31.B0330 added upload price master updated print price data with paging added hide display tax in terminal setting added net of VAT sales in receipt added dashboard refresh V06.37.30.B0324 remove cash tender when its zero added memo in receipt printing bug fix - generic name limited to 100 lines V06.37.30.B0321 bug fix - stock movement (per site problem) bug fix - does not delete master in replication bug fix - 1st license when duplicate terminal add google maps added flood control on max companies and terminals added manage ip (can block ip) / no need for firewall bug fix - upload product master tax type bug fix - inventory ledger paging bug fix - stock movement summary - should consider site filter bug fix - stock status - should consider site filter bug fix - voided should not post V06.36.29.B0316 changed ref code to 20 chars added esales download do not retry when saving additional checking during void, make sure it voids only once add tin no in branch office V06.35.28.B0312 Move the local files to application storage V06.35.28.B0310 Added license no Allow options not to print voided transaction Bug fix product attribute Added timestamp in export excel Added local options Added Sales comparison to base package V06.35.27.B0309 Terminal change the device control to 64 length add accounting V06.34.26.B0307 Remove caching by adding uts Partner Page Added security access in HQ Upload Master Support V06.34.26.B0301 Supported limited days only in pricing V6.33.25.B0222 Performance up sales by product performance up product movement analysis Support reprint of transaction in any terminal Support quick lookup V6.33.25.B0127 Added Signatories Dead Stock Report Export Sales from BTQ V6.32.24.B0120 Supported product packing Supported Generic name master Added product class Added supplier tagging of account filter list for product - class, supplier id change name from sales clerk to employee Price list batch assignment added customer group/type Added product shelf printing bug fix - look up of price when there is unit of measure Added count sheet Added zero out stock count Added restriction on Suspend/Save Filter voided and sales returns Product master listing - extended info on excel Supported Concessionaire Various bug fixes V6.31.23.A1214 during post sales, enable to transact next while printing trx price level will reset individual price level change theme to css (90%) V6.30.22.A1126 Supported Nixdorf HW Improved Sales Transaction List V6.30.22.A1110 Added NVRAM Changed message for network disruption V6.29.21.A1031 remove extra line in printing product in receipt added online quantity count added online/offline indicator in BTQ stock adjustment, stock count, able to accept unit cost with more than 2 decimal places inventory status extended to POS boutique Security access added INV bug fix - add company, was not able to add fsp properly - no key V6.28.21.A0824 initial development for loyalty program Bug fix: authorization touch screen Bug fix: ticket no for post sales Added ticket no print out (fsale_date,fticket_no) Added auto cut Bug fix: transaction list customer name Add more filter to tender report Add dashboard to sysman Bug fix: Search keyword (redo) V6.27.20.A0707 Supported Expanded Senior Citizen Discount Bug fix: Adjustment List Bug fix: Delivery Property V6.26.19.A0705 Supported DB2 Bug fix: Stock adjustment list filter Bug fix: delivery property Bug fix: search account all V6.26.19.A0626 Added void previous transaction Allow payment info to be saved V6.26.19.A0624 Release offline mode support for orders and save/recall bug fix on focus error on save/recall and product detail V6.25.19.A0617 Reorder list has pagination Allow reorder list to be copied to stock adjustment form Added duplicate printing depending on tender type Added access rights for decimal input in POS Added salesbook to BTQ and FB Added options to allow printing of saved transaction Enhanced search with on fly mode Added auto product highlight Bug fix: -qty scanning Print name in print bill Supported LPT interface (Linux) Supported Printer Station (Windows) V6.24.18.A0610 Stock Status - added standard cost and total bug fix - update tenant status, status_flag should be 2 if late add sendViaFTP() right after resending data added hyperlink in tenant data list V6.24.18.A0607 Initial version of Kitchen Monitoring (image to be updated) Reorder master pull out menu Released product article Added Stock Movement Report Changed name to Stock Transaction Bug fix for status Bug fix for license expiry Released under FB4 V6.23.17.A0519 changed qty scanning to max 999 (from 99999) Change search product to use =, rather than LIKE (added index) Added options in POS logon Added Tenant Data functionality in FB Retrieve list from FTP server Auto send ftp from client Added copydb() command in terminal iSQL Added ?copydb,21,,, V6.22.16.A0507 Bug fix: Sysman main menu for audit trail Allow compute price with no unit master Converted PDF to download V6.22.16.A0429 Supported LPT interface (Windows) Supported SM mall tenant connection Supported Robinson mall tenant connection Supported Ayala mall tenant connection V6.21.15.A0419 Added interactive SQL (server and terminal) Added price proof list Added product kitting Bug fix: Inventory detail, computation when > 999 (with comma) Enhanced dashboard to make it more interactive with drill down functionality Bug fix: Profit formula should deduct tax (consistent with other) Bug fix, change ownership (password) Added Audit Trail -> CPANEL, SYSMAN, HQ V6.20.14.A0318 Bug fix, search user (showed all users) V6.20.14.A0316 Allow saved transaction to print receipt V6.20.14.A0311 Added Sales Correction Sorting for stock adjustment, count and transfer Bug fix, copy to new doc for stock count Bug fix, media summary of reading in btq V6.19.12.A0223 Supported custom barcode this format = FF CCCCC XXXXX CD Added total cost in adjustment, transfer and stock count Added markup / default markup V6.18.11.A0124 Changed upload so that the acknowledgement will be per transaction Added clean POS records in control panel Auto update will not ask for confirmation anymore Added Kitchen Station Master V6.16.10.A0115 Added transfer function from individual to table Bug fix: Delete Shop Table Added terminal command Changed background images V6.16.10.A0106 Added F&B Module Sort Reading Sort Pickup Type Added Allow Settle Fixed computeNextRun CTask Removed 24 hour time if next day V6.15.09.91207 Change registration key, wont allow guessing Bug fix : Price List Period Support for Greenfields mall connection V6.14.08.91026 Critical Bug Fix: POST Sales will hang up if no printer is set Added WEBPOS V6.14.08.91019 Support card swiping Bug fix : Auto Start/End of Day for old account Bug fix : Print tender info on receipts Bug fix : Synchronous printing on Hardware V6.12.08.91016 Added email validation Minor bug fix on compute task time V6.11.07.91012 Added: Track sales warranty Added: Memo for product sales Added: Access level control in headquarter system Changed name from store controller to headquarter system V6.10.06.91007 Released Offline Mode V6.09.05.90924 Added Price Management Added Price Level for Account Bug Fix: cancel selection of company wont allow next login Bug Fix: auto quantity 0 will compute total line Reflect product type, tax type, sales tax as default V6.08.04.90921 Added support for OPOS for drawer, line display Allow to add customer in boutique Enhanced save/recall feature in boutique V6.07.04.90918 Security encryption added Initial Setup Log webposlog.txt under user directory